OVA Events

Memorial Mass

The annual Memorial Mass will be held on Tuesday 21 November at 11.00 am.


This event will be held at the Austins Ferry campus Chapel followed by lunch in the Joyce Performance Centre.


RSVP to Graeme Rainbow 0467 514 667 or grainbow@stvirgils.tas.edu.au.


An opportunity to view the amazing changes at the Austins Ferry campus will be offered. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Waterford Building (extension to the Library building featuring purpose-built spaces and classrooms)
  • Lower level Joyce Performance Centre (housing the Music department and 'Black Box' drama space)
  • Callan Centre (innovative Year 11&12 Centre)
  • Doyle Wing (extension to current science wing featuring a large deck overlooking the JPC Oval and River Derwent)

End of Year Drinks

Save the Date!

Friday 1 December, 6.00 pm

Maypole Hotel