Upcoming Reunions

Melbourne Reunion

An evening function will be planned for Friday 27 October. Interest should be sent to Graeme Rainbow by 5.00 pm Wednesday 27 September on 0467 514 667 or grainbow@stvirgils.tas.edu.au.

Class of 1978

For those in their first year of Senior School as a Year 7 in1973

When: Saturday 28 October at 6.00 pm

Where: Hope and Anchor Hotel

Contact: Brendan Delaney on 0434 323 424 if you haven't yet been contacted.

Class of 1983

Please contact Phil if you are interested in meeting up with your former classmates at a reunion. We kindly suggest you reach out to others from your class who may not be on this OVAtions distribution list. Details will be confirmed once interest has been gathered.


When: Yet to be determined

Contact: Phil Gard, prtgard@gmail.com, 0411 254 315

Class of 1993

When: Saturday 18 November from 6.00 pm 

Where: The Maypole Hotel

Contact: Gene Graham, genekg@gmail.com, 0422 115 359

Class of 1955

When: Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 November


Geoff Doolan, doolang38@gmail.com, 0427 391 150 

Peter Tracey,  peter.tracey@bigpond.com  0419 672 655

Roger Smart, rogersmart8@bigpond.com,  0407 668 093