Principals' Report

Welcome to Term 4, 2023. Term 4 is always the best term as the weather gets better, daylight savings kicks in and we have lots to look forward to.
On a personal note, it’s nice to return from carers leave and get back to some form of normality!
What I have noticed in the past few mornings is that many students are trying hard to comply with our school uniform policy. We have a nice uniform; great colours and it looks smart when we all follow the policy. I will remind you though that logos on socks i.e., Santa Cruz socks are not part of our uniform.
Our Oval
It is 2 weeks away from having the fences removed. The turf man came and had a look over the holidays and called me to let me know that 2 more weeks and we will be right to go!
Mr Smith will be able to take a grade at a time onto the oval for PE but we can’t open it for everyone just yet!
This means we can use it for our colour run on 20th October.
This also means I can stop writing about the oval.
Planning for 2024
I am busy planning for the 2024 school year. If you will not be attending LPS in 2024 could you please notify the office as soon as possible so it will reflect in my student numbers.
Creating classes is an arduous task and takes several weeks to complete. When making grades the following needs to be considered to ensure our school runs successfully.
- Even numbers of students in classes
- As close to even numbers of boys and girls
- A range of academic abilities
- A range of social and behavioural abilities
- Special considerations from parents
- LPS teachers putting in their considerations for what works best for students
- Student friendships
- New students starting at LPS in 2024
Each year we give parents the opportunity to submit any ‘special considerations’ they would like us to look at prior to making classes. Any considerations submitted by parents must focus on issues that impact the educational wellbeing of their child. Requests for specific teachers will not be taken into consideration. We have complete confidence and respect for all staff who work at Langwarrin Primary School.
In preparation for 2024 class creation, could you please send any special considerations you have for 2024 to and as always we will do our best to accommodate your consideration. However, as you can see from above there are many mitigating factors that may stop a consideration from occurring. It is a very mathematical process and one that Mr Balzary is very experienced at. All requests are due to Mr Balzary (not the class teacher) by Monday 6th November.
In previous years, students have created a list of five friends at school, who they’d like to have in their class next year. We then make sure that each student in the school has at least one person from their friends list in their next class. We will be making an adjustment to that process moving forward. Students will still create their list at school, however that list will now be sent home for you to discuss with your child, make any changes, sign and send back to the classroom teacher. This will alleviate any problems where parents believe that their child has been placed in a class with no friends, as parents will now be aware of the students that their child has listed and will have had the opportunity to make any changes at home. It is also important to note that the names are not preferential – we don’t look at first choices, second choices, we just guarantee each student has friend from their list.
I have been requested by the Health and Wellbeing Centre to remind our Langwarrin parents to not park in their car park. It has been evident that some patients with a disability or injury have not had access to the carpark in order to attend their appointment. Thank you for you cooperation and care in this circumstance.
Year 3 Campers
We are looking forward to our Year 3, Phillip Island campers returning to school tomorrow!
Welcome back to Miss Glaves and Miss Mackintosh from a term off and an official welcome to Narelle who has joined our educational support staff team!
Please remember in Mrs Pepper’s long service leave absence Ms Soutar is Acting Assistant Principal.
Reminders - Curriculum & Student Free Days
Just another reminder that we have a Curriculum Day on Monday 6th November.
There is a student free day on Wednesday 20th December.
Team Kids are available on both days.
Please remember that the Term Community Calendar is available on Sentral.
Have a great fortnight,
Mark Moorhouse