Bernadetta Martella

Wominjeka Everyone,


What a great first week of Term 4 we had at OSHC. Children were excited to be back at school to meet and reconnect with their friends!

We had a fantastic dance session with Joh last Tuesday: children were really engaged following instructions and being respectful with each other. Children loved performing and showing off their acrobatics skills!

Here at OSHC, children’s voice is strongly embedded into our program, we listened to the children’s ideas for the spring menu and educators have included some of the new snacks for the afternoon sessions: fried rice, zucchini slice, pasta salad and rice paper rolls.


If you have some ideas for the spring menu we would like to hear from you.




Important DatesWhat’s onDetails
Every Wednesday in Term 4Jacob’s Reserve Outings  Grade 4-6 will have the opportunity to walk to Jacob’s Reserve
Every Tuesdays in Term 4Dancing with JohOur fabulous Joh is back with OSHC for this Term4 and children will learn dancing moves and games
Monday 6/11 Student Free Day -No OSHC will be providedNo OSHC will be provided on this day. Please make other child care arrangement.
Thursday 7/12End of Year CelebrationFrom 4:30-6pm – all families are invited to celebrate EOY



SunSmart PolicyBring your hat and sunscreen if you need to
Students on CampsIf your child is away for camp, you are required to mark absence through the Xplor app.
Jacob’s ReserveMake sure you have signed the permission form for your child to attend



PROGRAM For week 2 Term 4



Moments from last week: