Mr David Whewell | Principal
Mr David Whewell | Principal
Administration Block Under Repair
Apologies for the disruption to normal travel for families before and after school, but the works on the Administration Block did not get as far as expected during the term break. Currently access into the school and to and from the Prep area is restricted which is not ideal. Please be patient and hopefully it only rains on the weekends!
Whole School Numeracy Competition
The inaugural PPPS Numeracy Competition has been run and won with four Champions announced after finals held at Assembly. Congratulations to Odin, Tala, Aylin and Amitesh who made it to the final and came out on top this time. Students received a trophy and the shield will now be engraved and displayed in our foyer. Already students are asking me when the next competition will be held, while others have apparently started practising at home!
Brand New Furniture
Lately we have been upgrading furniture in classrooms which is exciting for the students of PPPS. After adding new conferencing tables in Year 3, we have extended this option to Year 2 as of this week. New whiteboards have arrived for Prep classes and tutoring groups. The year 5 and 6 students have had the addition of taller student tables that allow for standing or sitting dependent on student choice. Next up will be additions to the year 1 and Year 4 classrooms. Maybe ask your children about the new items and see what they think.
School Review
The first day of our school review is on today (Thursday). We have a number of important people here assisting with the process and we welcome the feedback that will follow. If you have a child at Mill Park Secondary College, look out for their principal Mr Tim Natoli, who is one of our challenge partners and will be in our school for four days this month. Just another reminder of our parent session which will be held from 9am on Friday 27th October. If you are available to drop in, meet with the review team and share your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated.
Extra Adults To Support Your Children
If you have been around the school this term you may have seen many unfamiliar faces working with our students. We have 19 university students currently here on placement, visiting from Latrobe, RMIT and Melbourne Polytechnic. Whilst it is great that we can assist with their development as educators, our students also benefit from the extra support.
Year Four Camp
On Tuesday, I attended and slept over at the Year 4 Camp. We had 90% of the year four cohort in attendance and all of the students followed the school values. The facilities at Phillip Island are amazing and the students had a great time, canoeing, building rafts and going on the giant swing. In two weeks, I will visit the Year 3’s at a new camp site for PPPS – in Silvan.
David Whewell | Principal