Junior Production

By Lindi Morrison

WOW! Another wonderful Term 3 in Performing Arts with so many exciting opportunities for the students.


It was the Grade Prep, One and Two Students turn to shine on stage in the Junior Production titled - Movie Marathon. It was so bright and fun with catchy tunes, energetic dancing and beautiful singing. The kids were very nervous and excited with many of them never performing on the stage before, it gave them a brilliant opportunity to show confidence and courage as they took to the stage. Congratulations to all of the Junior Students for a sensational performance and a special thanks to the Grade 2 Actors & Understudies who told the story so perfectly and were amazing in their acting skills.


We have had numerous exciting Assembly performances from many students across the school and look forward to hearing the results of the Grade 6 Competitive dance teams as they compete this weekend at the State Basketball Centre in the Australian All Star Dance and Cheer State Finals Competitions. Good Luck Girls, we hope you have a wonderful time.


In the Performing Arts classroom, the Senior Students have been enjoying the subject of drama with lots of Mime, Melodrama, Puppets, Use of Voice, Improvisation and learning about the Elements of Drama. We look forward to seeing many budding actors take the stage in future performances. Term 4 in Performing Arts should be just as exciting with lots of new presentations and learning that will come!