Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

Coming up early next term…..

Next term the students in Year 2 will start their preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Online registration for this Sacrament opens on 9th October.


The Sacrament itself will be celebrated on the 30th November at 4.30pm and 6.30pm. 

More details will be sent through the Parish early next term. 

Sydney Catholic Schools Art Exhibition and Competition

Each year schools across the Sydney Archdiocese as well as students from the Diocese of Bathurst and Wollongong are invited to participate in the Archbishop’s Art Exhibition and Competition. 


As Archbishop Anthony Fisher said in his address to the students last year : 

Paintings are more than the paint on canvas which gives them their form; they are the expression of beauty, and to see the face of beauty is to see the face of the God who is Eternal Beauty. This is why the Catholic Church has always been such a patron of the arts, and our present exhibition, with each work depicting important moments in the Christmas Story stands in this long and proud tradition.
Our student-artists all try to capture something of the face of that beauty that is God and His saints, depicting as they do important moments in the Christmas Story. 


Each school can enter three finalists from Grade 5 and Grade 6. A sneak peek at where our students here at OLF are up to with their artworks…..not finished but well on the way! 

We certainly have some talented artists at OLF !!!

Christmas Concert 

Note : A date has been set with OLMC, DE LA and OLF  for our joint Christmas concert… Wednesday 29th November ( Week 8)  5.30 -7pm. 

More details to to how this evening will be run! 

A tribute to Mrs Jane Thornton

As many of you would know, Mrs Thornton passed away last week. She was very much a valued member of staff and a much loved Teacher. 


At Monday’s Assembly, the teachers and students joined in a prayer reflection to pray for this amazing woman. Some of the reflection is shared here…..


We come together here  today to remember and mourn the loss of our teacher and colleague - Mrs Thornton. She touched our lives in profound ways and we are grateful for the knowledge, wisdom and guidance she has shared with us. She was selfless and always put others’ needs before hers. We thank you for the time we had with her and for the lessons she taught us, not only in the classroom but also in life. May her memory continue to guide us in our journey. 

Her passion for teaching inspired others. She had a great sense of fun and she wholeheartedly dedicated herself to the students of Our Lady of Fatima. Her positive approach to everything, even when she was sick, was an inspiration to each of us. We were blessed to call her our colleague, teacher and friend. 


Reading:  God needed a woman.

God needed a woman who demonstrated faith and belief in God’s promise, God chose Mrs Thornton.


God needed a woman to demonstrate the power of conversion and service to God’s people. This was Mrs Thornton.


God needed a woman to be a model of bravery, who sought God’s guidance in times of difficulty, and who had unbounded confidence in God. God chose Mrs Thornton.


God needed a woman to be a prophet and to demonstrate wisdom, courage, and a compassionate zeal for justice. This was Mrs Thornton.


All through time, God needed women of courage and strong faith. Mrs Thornton was one of those women.


Eternal rest grant unto her o Lord

And may perpetual light shine upon her

May she rest in peace.



Have a wonderful holiday everyone. Enjoy those very precious family moments that we have the opportunity to share during HOLIDAY time!



Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator