News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and Carers


As we conclude Term 3, it is wonderful to reflect on the many experiences and events this term that have engaged our students in their learning and brought the Fatima community together.


The celebration of First Holy Communion, Book Week, Science Week, Interschool Debating and Public Speaking, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day, Jump Rope for Heart and Interschool and Mackillop sporting events have provided many opportunities for our students to develop skills across a wide range of disciplines including faith formation and the promotion of a positive wellbeing.


A special congratulations to all of our athletes who competed in the MacKillop sporting events this term. In particular at the Mackillop Athletics Championships, our girls Junior Relay team broke the CCSNSW record which has not been broken in 12 years, Our Lady of Fatima is so proud of their wonderful achievement and all of the students who competed in the Mackillop sporting events.

Victroria, Mia, Estelle and Alana


The school community has recently lost a much loved and respected teacher, Mrs Jane Thornton who passed away on Thursday 14th September.  Mrs Thornton was a highly dedicated teacher who worked at Our Lady of Fatima for many years always striving to provide the best education for all students during her teaching career, she will be greatly missed as teacher, collaegue and friend. We ask that in your prayers you pray for Mrs Thornton and her family during this sad time.


Please take note of the following dates that are upcoming Staff Development Days.


Staff Development Day - Friday, 22nd September (Pupil Free Day - Last day of Term 3)

Staff Development Day - Monday 9th October (Pupil Free Day - First day of Term 4) 


On these Staff Development Days Teachers will be participating in Professional Learning related to the new NESA K-2 and Years 3-6 English and  Mathematics Syllabus.


Wishing the school community a safe and relaxing holiday break.







Mrs Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal