P&C Update

Written by M.Glushkova (P&C President)

P&C update Term 4, Week 2


School Leader's Cake Stall – Term 3, Week 10

Wednesday 20th September, Ms Savva and the school leaders organised a cake stall to raise money for the school’s playground markers. We, the P&C (Parents and citizens) were asked to help the school leaders with their cake stall. We had 2 stalls set up, both in the   K-2 and primary playground at lunch and recess, and one after school in the K-2 playground.


I would like to thank the many kind-hearted volunteers once again:

Jennifer, Maly, Kim, My Anh, Allan, Andrea, Sokundhea, Tom, Lina, Pat, Linda, Kien, Van.


Thank you also to the P&C Members who donated baked goods, and the considerate parents who donated gluten free/lactose free goods: Victoria, Lisa, Natasha, Brenda, Linda, David, Allan, just to name a few. Of course, thank you to the many Stage 3 parents and the teachers who also donated baked goods.


Thank you to Ms Savva, Olivia, Chloe, Spencer, Katelyn and Aedan for making this day possible and helping with running the cake stall.


THANK YOU to everyone who organised, helped, donated and of course anyone and everyone who supported the stall.


It was a successful, fun and happy experience because of all you wonderful people.






Playground Markers

The playground markers have an estimated delivery time of early November. The P&C and the school are very excited. I can’t wait to see the finished product in the K-2 playground.


Spare Change Challenge Fundraiser – Week 2

The P&C are running a Spare Change Challengefundraiser to raise the remaining amount of money for the school leader's playground markers project. One winning class per stage will win a pizza party lunch.

This project would not have been possible without all the help of Ms Savva, the school leaders, the school, the P&C (parents and citizens) and of course everyone who supported this project by way of the soccer shootouts, basketball shootouts, cake stall and now with this Spare Change Challenge.

I hope that the Spare Change Challengefundraiser will be an opportunity to allow everyone to show their support in this project and help us reach our goal.



P&C Meeting

Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 25th October, in the school Hall at 9.30am.


When you come to the meeting, you get to hear first hand what the school is up to.

During meetings, you have a chance to speak and be involved in what the P&C plans for the upcoming terms. 


Paid members can vote to help decide what the P&C does, and how we spend the funds. You can always see when our next meeting is in the newsletter - either in the P&C update or the Important Dates section. 


Term 4

Here’s a sneak peek into what the P&C has planned for Term 4:

- 2 P&C meetings to plan some more events

- World Teacher's Day – 27th October

- Spare Change Challenge Fundraiser – Weeks 2 & 3

- Kindergarten orientation bags

- Pre-school graduation gift

- Year 6 graduation gift

- Christmas raffle


We would also love to hear how YOU think we can all support our school community.

If you haven't yet joined the P&C, you can still join by emailing us at sjppspandc@gmail.com, or message us on the Facebook page : 'P&C of St Johns Park Public School'.


Let’s come together and make this a fun year for our students.