From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
It was wonderful to have a number of families at our first BPC meeting for the year and also at our first assembly for the year. We value and appreciate the many ways that parent and families support our school through these events.
Enrolments 2026
Enrolments for 2026 open on Monday 3rd March. We have a number of opportunities for prospective families to find out more about our school.
We have tours, an Open Morning, Information Sessions (both online & in person) and a Taste of School.
I am sure you will see our advertising boards up around the neighbourhood very soon. A huge thanks to the Walker Family (Kingston Year 4) and the Calleja Family (Charlie Year 1) for allowing us to place boards on their properties.
We have posters that we would love to place in shops, service providers in and around Coburg. If you have a connection to a business or service that would place our poster in their window or notice board, please see the office for a poster to drop off. Our best form of advertising however is you, so please share information about our school with family and friends.
Ash Wednesday
Next Wednesday 5th March is Ash Wednesday. This is a very special day in our Faith and the Foundation - Year 4 students will celebrate with a Paraliturgy in the Hall at 2.45pm.
The Year 5/6 students will attend Parish Mass at 9:30am. Families are welcome to attend the Mass or join us for the Paraliturgy.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent.
SRC Leaders
Congratulations to our new SRC members for this year.
1/2R - Darius
1/2T - Dominic
3/4L - Lucy
3/4T - Summer
3/4P - Evelyn
5/6J - Rafael
5/6B - Ariana
The 2025 Student Leaders are:
School Captains
Ofelia, Harry, Angus M and Angus F.
Fire Carrier Leader
Sustainability Leaders
Isobel & Herb
Sports Leaders
Sam & Ella
At our first meeting for the year we discussed prizes for our fundraising events. We thought a great place to start was to create a data base of businesses that may be willing and able to support or school. Families may have a business themselves or have connections to a business that could donate a service, prize or voucher. If you are able to help or have a contact please email the details of the business, contact and if known, what they may be able to offer.
Updated Forms
All updated and signed contact details, food permission and medical management forms are now due back. We ask for your urgent attention in regards to this as it is crucial we have this information in case of an emergency and for classroom activities to
run. Thank you to those who have already returned the following:
- Detailed contact listing form
- Food activity permission form
- Parent code of conduct, photo & social media permission - Foundation families
- Management plans for asthma, anaphylaxis and other medical conditions - if relevant.
Next week the Bernardo will be published on Thursday not Wednesday due to our office/ administration staff attending a professional learning day.
Joanne Doherty