Parents and Friends

We have a wonderful year of events coming up!


If you would like to join as a general member we would love to have some new parents, please contact Sabrina on


We are so excited to hold the first PFA event for “2025”

Pancake Day – known as Shrove Tuesday 

Tuesday 4th March 2025


We would love some parents to help us cook up and serve the pancakes to the students. If you are available from after school drop off to about 11:30 am, please complete the parent helper slip located on the form, please note, working with children’s check is required.




All students will receive a sausage in bread complimentary of P&F. Forms are due back by this Monday.




The P&F will be OPERATING a stall at the twilight sports.


Sausages in Bread /with or without onions $3

Selected Can’s of Soft drinks and water $3

Icy Poles $1

CASH & EFTPOS will be available to make your purchase




We are pleased to advise the uniform shop will be open every Friday at 8:40 am

Located in the Community Room

All Items are $5.00

Cash or EFTPOS

Have any old uniform at home? Why not donate them to the uniform shop?

Please ensure they are laundered and stain free. 

We accept all donations summer and winter uniform, feel free to leave any donations at the office with Lorenza or Viv.




Every Friday -1st Lunch 


All flavors are subject to availability on the day. 

Parent helpers will cut the tops off them for children to make it easier. 

The PFA are also looking for volunteers to help on a Friday morning, so if you could spare 45 minutes of your day to come and help, please contact Sabrina

Please Note:

A current and valid working with Childrens Check is required. 

Join our Facebook page to get lots of useful information, copies of forms and ask questions top other parents. 


Please Note: you must answer the questions to be acceptedinto the group 



All volunteers and helpers at SFS must have a valid Workingwith Children Check (WWCC).

 These checks are very easy to apply for, and free for volunteers. 

We love having parent helpers with all our Parents and Friends events, the children love seeing their parents at school.




We welcome any suggestions you may have for us to make OUR events a success, feel free to email us at