

At SFS, our PBL (Positive Behaviours for Learning) school wide expectations are:


Responsibility and 



This week we focused on RESPECT OUTDOORS, Listen and Follow instructions. The students talked about why we need to show respect outdoors and what that looks like and sounds like. The children practiced speaking to someone respectfully when they have some conflict outside at lunchtime, where another student may not have listened and followed instructions.


Here are two of our lucky PBL raffle winners who have been demonstrating our school expectations. Well done to all the students. 



Parents, if your child brings home a PBL card, ask them to tell you why they got it and which positive behaviour from our school matrix they were demonstrating. 


Please sign it and your child can then return it to the PBL box in the learning space. We have a weekly raffle on a Friday where a name is chosen and that child gets to select a reward from our menu of PBL rewards such as, dressing in casual clothes, shooting some basketball hoops or visiting another learning space and helping a teacher.


SRC (Student Representative Council)

Our SRC reps for Semester 1 have been selected. 


We are very proud to announce the following students:


Learning Space 1: 

Juniors: Ryan M (TB), Micah B- D (TB)

Seniors: Gavin Jeet S (KM), Millianna R (AS)


Learning Space 2:

Juniors; Jeremiah C (MF) and Amelia J (SK)

Seniors: Harish G (GR) and Curtis L (MP)


Learning Space 3:

Juniors: Orion T (RI) and Deanne D (NG)

Seniors: Ricky A (RJ) and Evie P (RJ)


The students will attend a weekly SRC meeting on a Monday afternoon where they will speak on behalf of their fellow students, share ideas and put them into action and have a say in some decisions at school, with the aim to make the school even better. 


These students will be presented with their badges on Monday 3rd March at 8.45 am at a special Morning gathering in the Multipurpose hall. All parents and families are warmly invited to attend the Morning gathering. 


This week the children met with Christine and talked about the role of the SRC. They were asked to think about how they would improve the school if they were the principal.


Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS)

Last year our school started the Mental Health in Primary Schools program and I was appointed the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHaWL). I have been participating in professional development and training in this area and sharing that knowledge with the rest of the staff. The role of the MHaWL is to build staff capacity to support student mental health, promote a whole school approach to Mental health and wellbeing, strengthen connections between the school and other support services, create clear care pathways for students who may be struggling at school, collaborate with school leaders, staff and families, advocate for and value student voice and participate in the MHiPs training. I look forward to continuing to learn and work with the children, staff and families of the SFS school community to promote and support mental health and wellbeing.


Harmony Day and Harmony Week

What is Harmony Week? Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging. The message of Harmony Week is everyone belongs. Schools have always been Harmony Week’s greatest supporters. Did you know?

· More than half (51.5 per cent) of Australian residents were born overseas or have at least one parent who was.


 · Since 1945, more than 7.6 million people have migrated to Australia. · Nearly every single country from around the world was represented in Australia's population in 2020. 

· More than 150 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander languages are spoken in Australia

· Apart from English, the most common languages spoken in Australia are Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Punjabi. 

· We identify with over 300 ancestries. This information has been taken from ABS 2021 Census Data. Check out the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.


We will be celebrating Harmony day this year on Friday 28th March. We are asking students to wear orange to school on that day. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. Wearing something orange during Harmony Week shows support for cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia. The children will be learning about the message during the week. All parents and families are warmly invited to attend a special Harmony Day assembly at school on Friday 28th March in the hall at 2.30pm. Have a conversation with your child and talk about your own family history and cultural background. 


If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Rachel Lenko                                                          

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader



Positive Quote for the Day
Positive Quote for the Day