Education in Faith

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

In this week's Gospel, Jesus speaks about the importance of self-awareness and integrity in our relationships and actions. He challenges us to remove the "plank" from our own eyes before we try to take out the "splinter" in someone else’s. 


This passage invites us to reflect on the inner condition of our hearts, as our actions reflect what is truly within us.


Jesus emphasizes that a good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit. Similarly, a good person speaks from the goodness in their heart, while a corrupt heart produces corruption in actions and words. This metaphor calls us to examine the root of our behaviours and words - are they motivated by love, kindness, and truth, or by selfishness, pride, and anger?


The message here is clear: true transformation comes from within. It is not enough to simply follow outward rules or attempt to correct others; we must first work on ourselves, cultivating a heart of goodness that overflows into everything we do.


Discussion Starters:

"Plank vs. Splinter": Jesus invites us to reflect on our own faults before criticizing others. What are some "planks" in our own lives that we may not always notice? How can we work on removing them?


The Tree and Its Fruit: Jesus compares our inner lives to a tree bearing fruit. What kind of "fruit" are we bearing in our words and actions? How can we ensure our "tree" remains healthy and produces good fruit?


Inner Transformation: Jesus speaks about the connection between our hearts and our actions. How do we cultivate a good heart that leads to positive words and actions? How can we practice this transformation in our daily lives?


Self-awareness in Leadership: In what ways can we apply today’s message in our roles as leaders, parents, friends, or community members? How can we encourage others to focus on inner growth rather than just outward appearances?


Impact of Words: Jesus talks about the power of our words. How can we use our words to build up others instead of tearing them down? Reflect on a time when words—either your own or someone else's—had a lasting impact on you.


Sacramental Dates for 2025


Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,


Please take note of the important dates for our Sacramental celebrations that will take place in 2025. 


Sacraments play a significant role in the spiritual journey of our students and we need to ensure that you are well-informed and can actively participate in these meaningful events. Kindly mark the following dates in your calendar:


Parents please check the following dates

  • Grade 2 will receive First Reconciliation in Term 4 on Thursday, 20th November 2025.
  • Grade 3 will receive First Eucharist in Term 2 on Saturday, 21st June 2025.
  • Grade 6 will receive Confirmation – Term 3 on Saturday, 6th September 2025.

Reconciliation: baptised Catholics in Year 2.

Eucharist: baptised Catholics in Year 3 or who have celebrated their Reconciliation.

Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.


If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please feel free to contact me at the school.



Day / Date/Time




Formation Night for Parents ONLY



Tuesday, 25th March 

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8 pm - Session at St. Kevin’s School Hall


Formation Night for Parents ONLY-Confirmation

Wednesday, 26th March

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8pm - Session at St. Kevin’s School Hall


Sacrament Commitment Mass

Eucharist & Confirmation

Thursday, 27th March

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8 pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church




Eucharist Retreat Day (Yr 3)

Tuesday, 17th June - at SFS - Regular school working day for children


Sacrament of Eucharist (Yr 3)

Saturday, 21st June 12:30pm at St. Kevin’s Church




Confirmation Retreat & 

Reconciliation Day (Yr 6s)

Wednesday, 3rd September - at SFS - Regular school working day for children


Meeting with the Bishop (Yr 6s)

TBA (meeting with Bishop)


Sacrament of Confirmation (Yr 6s)

Saturday, 6th, September Mass at 11 am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral




Reconciliation Enrolment & 

Information Night for Parents ONLY

(Yr 2s)

Tuesday, 7th October

6:30 pm Registration ($25 for Stole, candle and Certificates for ALL Sacraments)

7- 8pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church


Reconciliation Commitment Mass (Yr 2s)

Friday, 17th October

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church


Reconciliation Student Information 

Sessions (Yr2s)

Fri 7th Nov 11:40 am

Wed 12th Nov 11.40 am

at SFS - Regular school working day for children


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Yr2s)

Thursday, 20th November 

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church

God Bless  

Rozeta Ambrose

Religious Education Leader







Today Mini Vinnies began to focus on Lent and Project Compassion discussing the meaning of this year’s theme: 


They started to organise the Project Compassion boxes with House Ribbons which will be placed in each of the Learning Spaces next week as Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. 


Families will also be able to collect a Project Compassion box from the office to take home. We hope that the students and families will give generously this Lenten Season as we ‘Unite against poverty.’



Staff have been giving students points for demonstrating community spirit which includes our PBL Values. Foundation parents will be notified shortly of their child’s House. The points for each House:













Next week Project Compassion donations for each House will be added to the Community Spirit points.



Mini Vinnies Facilitator