Kitchen Garden News:


The Kids have been busy making their own pasta and pesto!!!

Definitely a crowd pleaser.


For the pestos secret ingredient, we harvested herbs from our pot-plants in the school garden.

The kids had to smell the different herbs and guess them, before we started cooking.


Herbs in the pots are:

  • mint
  • parsley
  • chives
  • oregano
  • thyme

Semolina Pasta:

(for 1 person) - just multiply for the quantity you want


put 100g semolina 

a pinch of salt

and 50ml water in a bowl


  • Use your hands to mix it and work into a dough
  • turn it out onto a workbench and knead it till smooth
  • cover and let the dough rest for 30 min
  • cut the dough into 3 portions
  • roll 3 logs
  • cut tiny portions off and put onto trays with baking paper
  • use your index finger and push the dough portions flat
  • boil pasta in boiling salted water till it floats on the top...taste one piece and if tender - strain the pasta

Serve with your favourite sauce



(makes 1 Cup)

  • toast some pine nuts (we also used blanched almonds) and set aside

In a blender, add:

  • 2 cups of basil (we used rocket and spinach as well)
  • 2 tbsp toasted pine nuts
  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan
  • 1 clove garlic (peeled)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • bit of pepper
  • plus, 1 cup mixed herbs from our garden

Switch the blender on and add good quality olive oil (approx 7 tbsp)

You can also add a splash of water if too thick.

(When we heated our pasta and pesto in the frying pan, I added more water, to make it more creamy)