Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you to those who were able to join us for our Pancake Breakfast yesterday on Shrove Tuesday. It was wonderful to see our student leaders in action! Thank you also to staff who assisted in preparing for this event and coming in early to cook up pancakes.
This morning, we attended the Parish Mass focusing on Ash Wednesday. Well done to all students who were reverent during this mass and reflected on the beginning of Lent.
Next Wednesday, Thursday and the following Monday, our Years 3 and 5 students will participate in NAPLAN. This is one form of assessment used to track student growth. We know these students will do their best, good luck!
School Council
As advertised, we have recently held our Open Meeting for the beginning of the Year. I would like to thank Diarmuid Kelly for his work and support as Council Chair last year. Diarmuid will continue to be part of this group, whilst taking a step back from the role of Chair.
Our new Chair will be formalised over the coming weeks. I encourage any parent who is interested in becoming part of this group during the year to please reach out.
Social/ Fundraising Group
Thank you to those who have got the ball rolling with our first event for the year, the parade on Easter Saturday at the Golden Horseshoe Festival. Watch out for more information coming soon.
Save the Date: Saturday 19th April
Year 4/5/6 Camp Parent Opportunity
We are putting the call out for parent/s who may be interested in joining us on our Year 4/5/6 camp to Canberra for some or all of the time. This will take place Tuesday, 6th May- Friday, 9th May.
We recognise that this is a big call out, particularly with busy work schedules. However, it is always great to have parents along. If this is something you are interested in, please get in touch.
Parent Reps 2025
We are still looking for a Parent Rep for 5/6K.
Thank you to Kara Cook who has put her hand up to be Parent Rep for F/1S and 2/3C and Zoe Taylor for 4B.
The role of the parent rep is to support communication of information between the school and families, liaise with teachers and the principal with feedback, and to support the organisation of external social catchups.
Please get in touch if you would like to put your hand up this year, it is a role that can be shared.