Engaging With Place

Welcome to Country and Treaty Launch
Thank you to all who attended our Welcome Picnic last week on Thursday. At The Farm we joined together for a Welcome To Country smoking ceremony with Daniel, a local Woi Wurrung Elder. Children, families and staff also signed our St John’s Community Treaty with the land.
Produce Swap
On Friday afternoon families gathered at the farm for our first produce swap. This was an opportunity to connect with other families to share produce, recipes and gardening ideas with each other. The next produce swap will be held on Friday 14th March.
Clean Up Day
Children in Year One have been investigating the impact of rubbish on their local environment. Last week the children took part in the School Clean Up Day as part of the Clean Up Australia event. After the event the children sorted the rubbish they collected into different categories and counted the quantity of each of these.
Each fortnight the children have been cooking food from a different country in the world using fresh produce from our farm. Last week we cooked Mini Spanakopita Snails. This food comes from Greece. Here are five interesting facts about Greece.
- Many of our words in English come from Greek words.
- Democracy means people power. This idea comes from Greece.
- There are more than 4000 different traditional dances that come from Greece.
- About one third of the population of Greece live in the capital city Athens.
- Greece is made up of thousands of islands
Below you will also find the recipe from Greece that we made at school for you to make at home.
Upcoming dates to remember:
- 6/3 Farm Incursion
Year 3 & 4 Super Soils Farm Incursion
- 14/3 Farm Volunteer Day: 8.30-3.30
Weeding, Planting, Hanging Blackboards, Fixing garden walls
- 14/3: St John’s Community Farm 3.30- 4.00
~Produce swap BYO produce to swap/share with others
~The Big Food Waste Warrior Weigh In
Do you have food waste and no compost at home?
BYO food waste to contribute to our school compost.
There will be a Trophy for the household with the most food waste.
Please contact the Engaging With Place Educator Mish (mdaly@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au) with all of your great ideas for how we can learn and grow together.