Hearing Health

When was the last time you had your child's hearing test?
Children who have hearing loss have trouble hearing or understanding some (or all) sounds.
Many of the causes of hearing loss are temporary and easy to fix. A build up of wax, an infection or excess mucus from a cold are all reasons for temporary deafness in children. These may pass with time or with a visit to the doctor.
Other causes may be more serious and result in long term hearing loss. Hereditary conditions, genetic disorders, exposure to loud noises or injuries such as concussion can lead to more permanent hearing loss.
If you think your child may have trouble hearing it is important to follow it up with a
medical professional. Some signs of hearing problems in children are:
- not responding when called
- talking too loudly
- pronouncing words incorrectly
- complaining of a ringing sound in their ears
- having a dip in school grades (because they can't hear the teacher).
The earlier any hearing problems in children are identified, the better for your child's language, learning and overall development.
If you would like more information about hearing problems in children visit the BetterHealth website