Student Awards

TERM 3 - WEEK 11
Respectful, Resilient, Responsible
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Oskar W | Respectful | Oskar has shown that he is a respectful learner through his interactions with his friends and teachers over the last few months. He is consistently friendly, courteous and supportive. Well done, Oskar. |
Prep V | Leo A | Respectful | Leo has demonstrated that he is a responsible learner this week through his enthusiasm towards maths. He has shown an eagerness to explore shapes and can confidently describe what makes up each one. Leo made a great robot using lots of different shapes and colours. Well done Leo! |
Junior A | Maisie | Responsible | Showing great responsibility when making Rocky Road for the Juniors Friday Market. Maisie you followed all instructions carefully and were a great role model to your peers as you were eager to help those around you. Thank you for being a kind and responsible member of Junior A, keep up the great work! |
Junior G | Safiya | Resilient | Safiya you were a resilient learner as you worked through your retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. You constantly applied feedback and it was amazing to see your confidence grow throughout the writing process. Your story is a perfect example of how hard work leads to success! Keep it up, Safiya. |
Middle M | Chloe W | Proactive | Congratulations, Chloe, for enthusiastically diving back into your learning journey after a long break. Your positive attitude and strong work ethic are demonstrated as you engage actively in class activities and show initiative in completing tasks. Keep up the excellent work as you continue to grow in Middles. |
Middle T | Hayley | Respectful | When it comes to showing respect and kindness towards others, Hayley goes above and beyond. She is a great listener, is always willing to lend a hand and is quick to make others feel included. Thank you Hayley for always being such a respectful member of the Middles Community! |
Middle J | Casper | Resilient | The resilience you have shown during our inquiry project has been amazing to see. You worked tirelessly on all aspects of the project to put together something truly special. Your hard work has let you explore the culture of Brazil and showcase your learning with fantastic creativity. Well done Casper! |
Senior B | Nolawi | Responsible | For the diligence you have shown as an SRC representative. You have been heavily involved in the organisation of the Winter Blanket Appeal, collecting and counting the donations and speaking beautifully at assemblies. You have been a wonderful role model and leader for our school. Well done, Nolawi! |
Senior O | Sophie | Resilient | For the perseverance you have shown in class when overcoming challenges with your learning during activities. This was particularly evident during writing when you asked for feedback and then used it to improve your persuasive letter. Keep up the positive attitude Sophie! |
Performing Arts | Matthew | Resilient | The resilience and bravery displayed during our in class auditions. Not only did you find great courage in overcoming your own nerves, you also showed wonderful kindness when helping your classmates to do the same. I am so proud of you, Matthew! |
Digital Technologies | Ada | Resilient | Ada’s efforts during our Digi Tech sessions. Ada perservered and showed considerable determination even when she felt she was very much ‘in the learning pit’. She didn’t give up, even though she found some of the tasks very challenging and not to her liking. Well done Ada, you showed great determination and resilience, two very important qualities that will help you well beyond the classroom. |
Curios, Determined, Self-aware, Creative, Collaborative, Proactive
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Rory | Curious Learner | Rory is always ready with some great questions to further his learning around a wide range of topics, especially inquiry and literacy. His deep thinking skills and ability to think outside the box have made him a fantastic curious learner this week. Way to go, Rory! |
Prep V | Eli | Proactive | Eli showed he is a proactive learner in his writing this week. When faced with a challenge during a ‘Let’s Write’ activity, he used the resources available to him in the classroom to help him sound out his words and write the heart words easily. Well done Eli, keep up the great work!
Junior A | Orlando | Collaborative | For demonstrating fantastic teamwork skills throughout our Potato Olympics in Maths. Orlando you have shown great leadership skills when working through the different tasks so far and should be very proud of how well you have worked with your partner. Well done! |
Junior G | Kai | Collaborative | Kai is always ready to give anything a go with a smile on his face. During the potato olympics he demonstrated his ability to be a collaborative learner as he worked with his partner to compromise and come up with an athlete! I can’t wait to watch your potato in action. Keep it up, Kai! |
Middle M | Julia | Collaborative | Julia has started the term showing great collaborative learning skills during the transition to the new portables. She has shown great leadership by respectfully helping others navigate the new space and fostering inclusivity in yard games, ensuring everyone feels welcomed and engaged. |
Middle T | Sebastian | Collaborative | Sebastian has shown some incredible skills and strengths this week as he has settled into a new class and a new school. Above all, it has been wonderful to see his willingness to collaborate with his new classmates, joining in with games and activities. Keep up the great work! |
Middle J | Ava | Proactive | Ava has been an asset to the Middles Community this week in her organisation, enthusiasm and pro-active attitude towards her learning. She is quick to follow instructions and is always happy to help others. Thank you for leading by example this week! Keep up the great work! |
Senior B | Sienna | Collaborative | For your collaborative attitude during our Positive Peer Relationships workshops. You were prepared to get out of your comfort zone and work with peers that were unfamiliar to you, as well as worked well to communicate with your teammates in the River Crossing game. Well done, Sienna! |
Senior O | Raiquen | Determined | For the engagement and enthusiasm you have shown during our Maths lessons on Fractions. With a dedicated and determined attitude you have worked hard to solve problems involving the adding of like fractions and mixed numbers. Keep it up Raiquen! |
Visual Arts | Jacob | Creative | For his extraordinary effort on his Still Life piece- it is really well structured, shows great skill in colour blending and he created a beautiful, impactful image independently. Jacob is a talented artist who dazzled his art teacher- congratulations Jacob! |
Performing Arts | Sadie | Proactive | For coming back to the Term with a fresh sparkle and renewed confidence in Performing Arts. Your enthusiasm, bravery and participation in class has been truly impressive. Keep up the amazing energy and positive attitude, Sadie! |
Digital Technologies | Senior O | Curious | The way you all showed curiosity and creativity during our first Digi Tech session this term. You demonstrated a positive, growth mindset and sophisticated thinking. You also displayed an excellent collaborative approach by working so cohesively with your partner and by being polite and courteous when others spoke or shared their thinking. |