From the Classroom

News from 5/6

In English, we will be completing our class novel, 47 Degrees and our analysis of the plot and characters. Students have also been looking at different literary devices to make their writing more vivid and interesting.


In Maths, we have been investigating probability language, devices and outcomes and we have been revising the four processes.


In Inquiry, students are finishing their projects on Natural Disasters and are getting ready to present them to the grade before the end of the term. 


Next term is turning into a busy term already! The Year 5 students are continuing their fortnightly visits to Community Kids, they will also have the opportunity to visit Bayswater Secondary for 'A taste of what it is like in High School.' The 5/6 students will go on an excursion to ScienceWorks to explore the Solar System in connection to our Inquiry Unit in Term 3. We will be celebrating the Olympics by putting on 'mini Olympics' during 5/6 Sport as well as getting students ready to participate in Marlborough's Athletics Day in Week 5. 

What's happening in 3/4

This fortnight, across many parts of curriculum, the 3/4's have been preparing for their inquiry project presentation. We have been learning how to note take, research and create informative writing pieces in English and have deepened their knowledge on a historical explorer who had made contact with Australia prior to European Settlement. 


In Mathematics, we have been collecting and representing data. Our students worked in small groups to create a question to survey the school, they then created a graph to represent the results! We are now working on revising place value and have been engaging in a range of place value games and activities. 


In English, we have been learning to write informative pieces, and have been focused on enriching our knowledge on an explorer to create our paragraphs. We have also been engaging in our class novel, Birrung the Secret Friend. 


In Week 11, we will be hosting an expo where our students will be able to showcase their learning from this term's Inquiry Unit! We have been working very hard, learning how to create posters, gather information and choose engaging ways to share our new learning. If you are available to come and check out what we have been working on, we would love to see you on Wednesday, 26th June at 3pm.


Adventures of 1/2

In English, the Year 1/2 students have been looking at different elements of a story. We have identified and created different characters, setting and plot, which include the problem of a story and the solution. The students have enjoyed exploring story elements and it has been great to see their creativity flourish.


In Maths, students have investigated worded problems and used their knowledge of addition to solve them. 1/2 students had fun developing their measuring skills in the unit about length. They measured their foot with different informal units. They also measured the length of different objects in their classroom using various informal units such as icypole sticks, unifix blocks and matchsticks.


In our Inquiry unit, My Place in the World, students have reflected on their learning and made 'world circles', showing how they are connected to many parts of their world. They have also started to create a poster on an Australian landmark that they felt a connection with. 



Fantastic Foundation

What an exciting few weeks it has been in Foundation. In Inquiry, we have now finished our Fire Rescue Victoria incursions and the students loved exploring all the compartments of the firetruck and even using the hose. They learnt some key safety concepts too about 'Crawl down low and go, go, go!' and 'Stop, Drop, Cover and Roll'. The firefighters explained the importance of having a Safe Meeting Place outside your home incase of fire and that all homes need smoke alarms. We encourage families to check their smoke detector is working and discuss where to meet if there is an emergency at their home.

In our English lessons, we have been learning about narratives and how they are made up stories that have characters, a setting and a plot. Students have enjoyed exploring texts and drawing their favourite character and even adapting the story by drawing a new alternative setting.  In Literacy, we have been revising some of the phoneme letter sounds that we have already learnt with a new focus on blending and segmenting words. Students have been practising saying each letter sound and then smoothing them together to blend it into a word.


In Maths, we have finished our unit on addition and subtraction. Our Foundation students have had a blast learning subtraction through hands-on activities. Through fun nursery rhymes like "Five Little Ducks" and "Five Speckled Frogs" using toys to reinforce maths concepts and were are thrilled to use Play-Doh to practice their subtraction skills. In the final weeks of term students will be learning about length and revising data and statistics.




News from Physical Education

Tee ball Photos 


Gymnastics photos



Art News


Wyreena Community Art Centre - Term and Holiday Programs

Enrolments are now open for Wyreena's Term 3 program of weekly adults and children's art classes. Are you interested in learning to draw, pottery, oil and acrylic painting, watercolour painting, drawing and painting or encouraging your child to get creative? Adult workshops include needle felting, lino printing, botanic drawing and a Dads and kids pottery activity.


Click HERE for more information on next term's programs.

Click HERE for details of their upcoming school holiday program activities.