Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


Week 8 


Finn B (Foundation)  being responsible in our PMP session. You took care of our equipment and practised safety first. Well done on concentrating on our focus skills and took care in practising your throwing and balancing. Well done Finn! 

Calista T (12A) listening and helping others. You are kind and courteous to your peers and staff. You are always putting in a terrific effort in your work. You are a super star!

Daniel S (12B) Praising and giving words of encouragement to your peers during work tasks. Great job for demonstrating kindness!

Christopher (34B) Giving your personal best during every writing session! You have taken on board our new learning with ease and you are writing beautifully. Keep it up legend!

Mitchell W (56A)For always including and encouraging your team mates during interschool sport training sessions and games. You give advice to others in a supportive and kind way and make sure to congratulate your team mates when they succeed. Great job Mitchell!

Amy K (56B) caring about her friends, having a positive attitude towards life, becoming more resilient inside and outside the classroom and making strong choices about her health!



Week 9


Lulu  (34A) by extending yourself to produce an excellent introduction paragraph using action as the beginning sentence. Your use of language painted a wonderful picture in the readers mind. Keep up the great writing Lulu!

Thomas W (34B) Working really hard on your inquiry research on your explorer this week! You have been determined to create great informative paragraphs and they have been written beautifully. Keep it up legend!

Violet P (56A)For focusing during mini lessons, trying your personal best on all tasks and asking for help as soon as you need it. You are having an AMAZING end to Term 2, and I am really proud of you! Keep it up, Violet!

Annabel G (56B) always pushing and extending herself to complete tasks to the best of her ability. Annabel has such a wonderful attitude towards learning and it isa solutely lovely to see!