Principal's Report

Tim Mulhall - Principal

Welcome to the final newsletter for this term! As we approach the end of another busy and productive period, and with the holidays just around the corner, we hope you take the opportunity to relax and enjoy some quality time with your children.


I know not all families get to enjoy this time to its fullest; however, I encourage you to try and engage in as many simple activities with your children as possible. Playing games, reading together, going for walks, and having attentive conversations can have a profound impact on your child's development and well-being. These moments help strengthen family bonds and contribute to your child’s overall happiness and growth.


Enjoy the upcoming holidays, and we look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for the new term.


Landcare Grant

We are thrilled to announce that we were successful in our application for the Woolworths Landcare Grant! This grant (of $1000) will support our Garden Club in their efforts to reduce non-native plant species in our garden and introduce native species to benefit our local fauna. With the funds, we will purchase new soil, mulch, and plants to revitalise the Sensory Garden and some other areas around the school. This initiative will not only enhance the beauty of our school grounds but also promote a healthier and more sustainable environment for our students and the local wildlife. 


Salute Their Service Grant 

More good news! We were also successful in attaining the Salute Their Service Grant to support the school in purchasing new flagpoles. Unfortunately, our previous flagpole was stolen from the school grounds. This grant provides us with an opportunity to cover some of the costs to replace that flagpole and ensure that our school continues to honour those who have served. It also provides a space where we can ensure that we recognise and remember their contributions. This grant not only helps us restore an important symbol for our school but also reinforces our commitment to honouring our history and the individuals who have contributed to our community. Thank you to everyone who supported us in obtaining this grant!


Attendance – it really matters.


The Effects of Not Attending School Regularly


When students miss school, it can affect them in many ways, both academically and socially. Not being in school can make kids feel lonely and disconnected from their friends and the school community, which might lead to emotional and behavioral problems. Missing school often can also increase the chances that a student might eventually drop out.


Many factors can influence how often a student attends school. Some of these factors are related to the school itself, while others are connected to the student’s personal and family life. It’s really important for kids to attend school regularly from a young age, as habits formed in primary school can impact their performance in later years.


The Benefits of Regular Attendance


Regular attendance has many positive effects on a student’s life. When students attend school every day, they build strong relationships with their peers and teachers, which helps create a supportive and engaging learning environment. This regular engagement promotes a sense of belonging and community.


Students who attend school regularly also tend to perform better academically. They stay on track with their lessons, understand the material better, and are more likely to achieve higher grades. Regular attendance helps students develop a routine and good study habits, which are important skills for lifelong learning.


Keeping Students Healthy


We understand that students sometimes get sick, and their health and well-being are our top priorities. If your child is unwell, we encourage you to keep them at home to rest and recover fully before returning to school. This helps prevent the spread of illness and ensures your child can participate fully in school activities once they are healthy again.


However, we aim to minimize other types of absences. Ensuring your child attends school whenever they are well helps them stay connected to their learning and maintain strong academic progress.


Research shows that every school day is important. There isn’t a "safe" number of days to miss – even a small number of absences can have a negative effect on a student's academic performance. Whether absences are excused or not, missing school can lead to lower grades. The more a student misses school, the greater the impact on their learning.


In summary, every day counts. Consistent attendance helps ensure better academic outcomes and keeps students connected to their school community.



Our school thrives on the support and involvement of our wonderful community, and we are always looking for volunteers to enrich our students' learning experiences and school environment. There are many ways you can contribute, including assisting with student learning support in areas such as reading, spelling, and math. You can also help by supporting student clubs, working to improve the school's grounds through activities like working bees and the Garden Club, or lending a hand in the canteen or Breakfast Club on Thursday mornings. Additionally, volunteers are needed for school events, excursions, and camps. Your time and effort make a significant difference, and we greatly appreciate any level of involvement. Join us in making our school an even better place for our students to learn and grow.


If you would like to get involved at the school, please reach out to discuss further. 


Keep your eyes out in next term’s newsletter and on Compass posts to find out when the next volunteer inductions are coming up. 



We are preparing to release the Semester 1 reports mid next week. These reports offer a snapshot of each student's progress up to this point, reflecting their achievements and areas for growth. They provide valuable insights for students, parents, and teachers alike, helping to guide ongoing support and development.


We appreciate the hard work of our teachers in preparing these reports with care. It takes many hours to ensure that these are an accurate and true reflection of a student's achievement to date. These reports play a crucial role in understanding each student's next steps and support our teachers in ensuring that future learning opportunities they design meet their needs.


Until next term. 



Tim Mulhall
