Junior School

Junior School News

Thanks to all families for their support throughout this term. As we come to the half way mark of the year, it's clear that the Year 7s have settled in and are feeling very much like they are a part of our learning community.


We congratulate them on all the work that's been completed and in particular the most recent work that they've done in preparing and delivering their speeches in Integrated Studies. There has been some outstanding work in this space.


We look forward now to Term 3 which is a busy and exciting one with lots of opportunities happening beyond the school gates. A reminder that the payment for the sustainability workshops at Edendale Farm are now due. We will spend a full day engaging in sessions that will prepare the Year 7s for their Acting Green CAT (think global/act local) in Integrated Studies.


Finally in place of the 2040 Movie Night and Q&A Session that was scheduled to take place tonight, on Thursday 18th July a Year 7 Camp Information and Q&A session webinar will run.  This will be an opportunity for Year 7 families to learn more about the upcoming Year 7 Camp Experience and to ask any questions that they might have.


Meeting link:


MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader