Meet Ginger

Old Orchard will be welcoming a puppy into school next week who will be training as our Old Orchard School Therapy Dog! Lauren Todd (the official owner) will be picking up an 8 week old Labradoodle puppy named Ginger this weekend and Ginger will be starting at school from Monday 24th June.


The training program for Ginger and her ‘handlers’ is facilitated by Therapy Animals Australia and is called the 'PAWS in Schools' Program. Trainers will be visiting Old Orchard regularly to assist Ginger and our team of dog handlers (Lauren Todd, Adam Todd & Clare Murray) to complete a 12 month training course for Ginger to become a certified School Therapy Dog.


Ginger will be based in the STEM room and students will get the chance to gradually meet her over the last week of term and start of Term 3. 


It is extremely important for everyone to understand that students and the school community members are never to approach Ginger, and to always wait for Ginger to approach them. This will be difficult (for us included) as she is a very cute puppy!