This Week At OOPS

Olden Days

Our Year 2 students and staff enjoyed Olden Days at school this week! 


Students participated in three rotations: Cooking damper in the kitchen with Gemma, playing games from the olden days with Adam, and experiencing an olden-days classroom run by our 'strict' teacher, Enza. Students enjoyed being creative and learning about life throughout history. The kitchen session cooking damper included students making the butter all by themselves... very impressive! The toys and games rotation involved students using different materials, including elastics, a newspaper footy and different wooden toys to invent their own games to play. The strict classroom had students practising their handwriting with chalk, reading poetry and singing the national anthem. 


As you can see, the students (and families) put a lot of effort into dressing up for our Olden Days special event and we all had so much fun!


Teddy Bear Picnic

There were smiles all round yesterday for Prep and Year 6 buddies (as well as their parents and carers) at the Teddy Bear Picnic yesterday afternoon.

Cheer Toastie Day

A huge thank you to Stacey Dunwoodie, Deanna Edsall, Nicole Chan and Leah Delany for helping to make delicious cheese toasties in the Cheer Truck on Tuesday.  The students loved receiving a special lunch.