Principal's Message

Wawa, Wominjika.


Here at Old Orchard Primary School, we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land we visit each day, the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung people of the Kulin nation. 


We acknowledge and respect the elders and leaders past and present and the elders and leaders of all of the cultures and nationalities that are part of the Old Orchard Primary School community. We express our gratitude towards the orchards that were kept in place by the peoples on this land before us. 


We thank the traditional owners for sharing this beautiful land that we all love, and for keeping the land, sky, waterways and animals all in great condition for thousands of years, not only for themselves but for all the generations to come.


The ‘Harvest’

Just a reminder that from next term, our school newsletter will be rebranded as The Harvest


Building works - School Access and Office Relocation

In the coming weeks / months, we will be undertaking some significant building works and renovations around the school. These works are being fully funded by the VSBA (Victorian Schools Building Authority) and include floor re-stumping, window alignment, roofing works and more.


This will occur in several stages, and we will provide regular updates including any changes to entry & egress points, class relocations, etc. We are working closely with the contractors to minimise disruption to school operations.

The areas affected are:

  • Main office
  • Staffroom & Kitchen Garden Room
  • STEM Room / 4NH / 4RR
  • Library
  • Areas of Drayton Hall
  • Entrance to the Gymnasium

Stage 1 The ‘office’ is being relocated to the room opposite the Assistant Principal office (A7) for the coming weeks. From Monday June 24th, the front entrance to the school will not be accessible. Visitors to the school will need to enter via the door closest to the sandpit and make their way up the corridor to the temporary office to sign-in.


Unless absolutely necessary, we ask that parents and carers limit their face-to-face contact with the office staff during this time. Communication via phone or email is preferable.


The staffroom and Kitchen Garden will also have very limited access next week and early in Term 3 - staff will use kitchen facilities in C Wing and Drayton Hall as required.

The bike rack near the student toilets will also be unavailable at this time. The bike rack near the gymnasium provides additional storage.

Thank-you for your flexibility and patience.

(I have sent a separate email communication including a rough diagram indicating the temporary access to the school office, commencing Monday June 24th.)


Exciting New Arrival at Old Orchard 

The cat (or should I say, the dog!) is out of the bag and the mystery of our new arrival has been solved.


Old Orchard will be welcoming a puppy into school next week who will be training as our Old Orchard School Therapy Dog! Lauren Todd (the official owner) will be picking up an 8 week old Labradoodle puppy named Ginger this weekend and Ginger will be starting at school from Monday 24th June.

The training program for Ginger and her ‘handlers’ is facilitated by Therapy Animals Australia and is called the 'PAWS in Schools' Program. Trainers will be visiting Old Orchard regularly to assist Ginger and our team of dog handlers (Lauren Todd, Adam Todd & Clare Murray) to complete a 12 month training course for Ginger to become a certified School Therapy Dog.


Students have been analysing clues over the past weeks about our new 'mystery enrolment' and classroom teachers have shared clues this week to reveal a mystery sentence, with a new word being revealed each day. 


Ginger will be based in the STEM room and students will get the chance to gradually meet her over the last week of term and start of Term 3. 


It is extremely important for everyone to understand that students and the school community members are never to approach Ginger, and to always wait for Ginger to approach them. This will be difficult (for us included) as she is a very cute puppy!

If you have any questions please come and see Lauren, Clare or myself. We are very excited to begin this journey and are sure that Ginger will be a cherished addition to our school! Elsewhere in the newsletter you will find detailed information about the benefits of therapy dogs in schools and essential standards for therapy dogs in general.


Prep - Year 6 Buddies Teddy Bear Picnic

Our annual Teddy Bear Picnic took place yesterday. The purpose of the event is to enable the families of the Prep and Year 6 students to meet each other and the other child. It was wonderful to see many, many families in attendance yesterday, enjoying a picnic lunch and getting to know each other. 


School Photos

Our 2024 school photos have finally arrived and I know that families will be excited to receive them. We appreciate your patience and apologise for the significant delay. 


End of Term

Next week is the final week of Term 2, concluding with a special PJ Day on Friday. We will have a Whole School Assembly in the Gymnasium at 1.30pm, with students being dismissed from their classrooms at 2.30pm.  


Term 3 commences on Monday July 15th. 


Kind regards

