

Try A Career Day

On Friday 24th May, our Year 9 students headed to the Sherwood Park campus of SWTAFE to experience ‘Try A Career’ day. This day aims to introduce students to the various VET certificates available at SWTAFE and get them thinking about whether they would like to start one of these courses next year while at school. 

The event featured a variety of hands-on workshops from the various certificates available including Building, Engineering, Electrical, Automotive, Agriculture, Hospitality, Visual Arts, Childhood Education, Health, IT/Business, Hairdressing and Beauty. 

Students attended 3 workshops according to their interests and got a taste of what each of these VET certificates offer. All students exhibited a great attitude to the day!


Our year 10s will be heading off for work experience at the end of this term (24-28 June). Now is a great time to speak to your children and get them to start thinking about where they might like to work. I really encourage them all to think big and to think outside of the jobs/businesses they know, and instead consider places where their interests lie. Encourage them to use this week to try something that they can’t do ordinarily. 


Parents don’t need to organise the placements (although, if you have a great contact somewhere, then by all means you can!). We use the SWLLEN to coordinate all student placements so they’ll do the groundwork. And they have contacts all over Victoria, so if you have a family member or friend in a larger town or city that your child can stay with, that could be a great option as there might be more or different opportunities in those towns, rather than in our local area.