Student News 


Student of the Week Awards

Term 2

Week 7


Max Billing - Growth Mindset - challenging yourself in writing and completing four sentences. Superstar!

Aaliyah Burgess - Growth Mindset - amazing reading to your partner during fluency time. Well done!



Harper Kinman - Growth Mindset - for your super effort in expanding sentences in Writing. Well done Harper

Charli Reeves - Growth Mindset - for your effort in saying the sounds and writing the words in Sounds Write. Great Job Charli



Jack Billing - Respect - for always being a fantastic role model in our classroom.

Chloe O’Brien - Respect - for showing respect and kindness to adults and students.



Week 6

Oscar Latham - Respect - showing respect to teachers and being ready to learn. Thanks Oscar.

Riley Cust - respect - for being such a lovely role model in the classroom. Thanks Riley



Ayla Greer - Kindness- for welcoming and including new students to the school. Thankyou.

Evie Almond - Growth Mindset - for always working hard on tasks and giving ‘It a red hot go’.



 Erica Gibbins - Growth Mindset - for working independently and trying hard.

Lilly Hayden - Growth Mindset - for having a red, hot go and contributing to whole class learning during reading and writing.



Riley Power - Growth Mindset - for your great accuracy and expression when reading our class novel.

Damon Mason - Respect - for your well thought out contributions to class discussions.



Lacey Killen - growth mindset - for making thoughtful choices in writing, such as using appositives

Clancy Ferguson - growth mindset - for your deep responses to challenging questions in English 



On Friday 24 May the VCE Legal Studies class travelled to Melbourne to attend the Supreme Court and Juries Victoria education programs. 

After a delayed start, students were fortunate enough to sit in the gallery of a high-profile case. Seeing how a court room operates was an imperative learning opportunity, experiencing theory content come to life. 

The group then travelled to the County Court and were taken through a mock trial experience as if they were being empanelled into a Jury. A big thank you to Kerry Boyden who accompanied and supported the class throughout the day. 


On May 20th Grade 3/4 students went to Gnurad Gundidj Leadership School. The Year 9 students ran the entire day, with lots of fun activities such as rock painting, escape rooms, egg and spoon races and outdoor games. Each Grade 3/4 student was paired with a Year 9 buddy. Here are some of our favourite activities:


Isla – meeting my buddy Henry.

Oliver – when we played the games at the end with everyone.

Jack – cooking and eating damper

Seth – playing the Landmines and keepy-uppy.

Lilly – getting to know Kate, Jackie and Harry.

Zoey – making yum yum balls.

Erica – getting to know my buddies and playing the Escape Room. We smashed through it with 4 minutes extra!

Regan – meeting my buddy and playing the last three games.

Hugo – memory tag and the banana tiggy.

Kayden – meeting my buddies Chloe and Ruby

Hendrix – sharing things with my buddy. I liked getting to know him.

Tom – playing the fruit salad tag game.

Bella – the puzzle pieces scavenger hunt. Zoey and I won!

Lewi – dodgeball and the egg and spoon race.

Leo – hanging out with my buddies and playing all the games.

Jaxon – getting the tour of the whole school and beating my friend in basketball.

Jaylah – getting to see my buddies room.

Alex – playing with my buddies and doing the Escape Room.

Chloe – painting the rocks.

Connor – hanging out with my buddies.



On the 8th of May Inspire house ran our annual fundraiser, this year for Dolly’s Dream, an organisation working to challenge the culture of bullying amongst young people. 


Led by House Captain Daniel Fowler and Welfare Captain Molly Goddard, the school came together to write letters of thanks to those in our school community. 


We recognised the abundance of kindness we see each and every day here at Mortlake College. Students also organised a free dress and sausage sizzle on the day, showcasing our house and organisation’s colour – Blue! 


Thank you to all who participated, because of you we raised $254.75 to an incredible cause! A special shout out to Jenni Goddard for organising activities for the primary and secondary school. 


Grade 4/5 Art

This term, Grade 4/5 learned about the famous Japanese artist Hokusai. He was mentioned in the class novel we read, called Kensuke’s Kingdom. We re-created one of Hokusai’s most famous artworks, ‘The Great Wave.’ Our focus was on using warm and cool colours, as well as mixing colours, by tinting (adding white) and shading (adding black).