Principal's Report 


The term seems to be flying, probably because each week is so busy here at school.


Sport has continued to play a huge role in our student calendar with the focus turning to team sports over the past and coming weeks. Our 3/4 students enjoyed AFL 9s and the 5/6 students had a great day of competition at the Tri Sports last week playing soccer and netball. In the next week or so it will be the intermediate and senior students turn to represent our school in netball and football. Many thanks to the staff who support these events, coaching, organising and bus driving. It’s very gratifying to here so many positive reports about our students’ behaviour and sportsmanship every time they return.

There’s also been a lot happening in the Career’s space, with yr 9s completing one on one career interviews and travelling to a TAFE taster day and yr 10s spending a day at Deakin. Secondary students all have access to a Career’s page and a school ‘Zine set up by Liz Fowler. Please ask them to show these resources. They are full of advice and job and scholarship opportunities.


The school production of Lion King Jnr is almost ready to take the stage. I’m a little biased but I think this is one of our best yet. We have a fabulous cast of students from years 6-12 and a very dedicated adult team of staff, parents and grandparents supporting them.

It has been amazing to watch the students collaborate and learn together and to see their confidence growing with each rehearsal. Much of this show is student driven with some talented choreographers and junior directors amongst the cast. Tickets are on sale now.

Chookas also to yr 5 student Clancey Greene who will be starring as the Little Mermaid in Warrnambool’s Primary Performers at the end of term. Some of Clancey’s classmates will be lucky enough to have an excursion to watch a matinee of the show. For everyone else, tickets are on sale at the Lighthouse now.



As with the wider community, we are continuing to experience an uptake in respiratory illnesses- colds, flu, RSV and Covid! During the colder weather it’s much harder for us to keep up our room ventilation processes so viruses spread really quickly. If your child is unwell and experiencing coughing/sneezing/upset tummy symptoms, please keep them at home until they are better and their symptoms have subsided. 

A reminder that timely notification of absences via Sentral is appreciated. The department insists that every absence is accounted for so your notification saves Cherie from making lots of phone calls.


Our year 11s have been sitting exams this week. For most it is an opportunity to demonstrate their learning, for some it is a reminder that great results don’t happen by chance; they are achieved by strong work ethic, revision, feedback and review. The results of these exams will appear on the mid year reports.


Our current School Wide Positive Behaviour focus is our school value of Respect. 

Unfortunately we are seeing a bit of a rise in inappropriate language in the yard. I think a lot of this language comes from the reels and clips students are watching online. It’s a timely reminder to keep an eye on the type of digital content our children have access to.


Stay warm & well



Anne De Manser

Acting Principal