Middle Learning Community


Congratulations to all the students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist last weekend.  

A sincere thank you to all the parents who supported their child/ren throughout this whole program - it was a huge commitment for you but I'm sure after the weekend you are extremely proud of your child.

Special thanks to Mrs. Perra, Mrs. O'Dwyer, Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Janssens, Mrs. Seccull for leading the after-school groups.

Special thanks to Mrs. Sefton for coordinating the program. 

Special thanks to all the staff who came along to mass on the weekend.


We have been learning so much about how Australia was made into a colony and the lead up to this huge event in Australia's history. This week after all the excitement of Confirmation and Eucharist had died down, we have been writing our convict letters; writing about how and why convicts were sent to Australia and then what happened to them as they landed in Australia. Some copies have been attached. The students have done a magnificent job on this task.  Please chat to your child about what they have learnt in this unit of work.

TERM 3 INQUIRY UNIT - Geography:

Next term we will be starting the term focusing on the Olympic Games. Could you please bring this to your child's attention over the holidays. 

Thanks to all the parents who came along to 3 Way Chats last week.  The conversations were extremely valuable for us as teachers to move forward next term. 

Thank you all for the super term, please have a safe, restful break over the holidays. See you all next term.