Junior Learning Community

Text – based Unit

Throughout Term Two, Grade Ones and Twos have been learning an abundance of different literacy skills within our text-based unit. The story we explored this term was ‘Feathers for Phoebe.’ The story follows Phoebe, a colourless bird who doesn’t want to be ordinary. She wants to turn heads and be noticed – she wants to be fabulous! But when she seeks the help of the outrageous and beautiful Zelda, her transformation doesn’t have the effect she was hoping for. She soon realises that to be noticed, she just needs to be herself.

To complete our text-based unit this term, the Grade Ones and Twos got to create their very own Phoebe! With colourful wings, crests and chests! They have been busy designing, building and showing great determination. We have enjoyed seeing the students be creative and utilise their artistic abilities!



Our Grade One and Two excursion will be held in week 8 of Term 3! More information to come soon.


Thank you

The JLC teachers would like to thank all family, friends and students for a fantastic term. It’s hard to believe we are halfway through the year. We hope you have a wonderful time over the holidays, having heaps of fun and staying safe!