Foundation Learning Community

What an amazing term of learning we have had in the Foundation learning space. We have learnt all the letter names and sounds of the alphabet and celebrated in style at Milo's Birthday Surprise last week. Thank you to all our parents who went to a huge effort to dress up their children as Milo's friends! They all looked incredible! Thankyou also, for sending in some delicious treats for us all to share for Milo's party. We had lots of fun playing pass the parcel, pin the tail on Milo Monkey, singing our letter songs and strutting our stuff in our parade. We also participated in a scavenger hunt around the school where the children hunted for letters, chitter chatter chant cards and CVC words. We finished the day off with sharing some party food with our buddies which was really special. 


A reminder that next term we have another very special day of celebration! On Wednesday the 31st of July we will celebrate 100 days of learning! As part of this celebration we ask the students to dress up as 100 year old's! This is always a super fun day. There will be more information about this event sent home next term. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. Finally we hope you all have a very safe and happy holiday and we look forward to lots of fun and learning in Term 3!