Principal's Message


On behalf of all the staff at St. Joseph's, I want to congratulate Mrs Arundel and her husband on announcing a new addition to their little family arriving in October.



We are thrilled to introduce our Advisory Council's newest members: Virgina Hughes, Rosie Santoro and Kaleena Pont : Their expertise and dedication will undoubtedly enrich our endeavors moving forward. Thank you to everyone who participated in the nominations; they have now officially closed. We look forward to working together with renewed energy and a shared vison.


RENOVATION NEWS: I am excited to announce that we will be renovating the Year 3 space over the holidays, taking out the amphitheater and creating more floor space for the students to learn.  We hope this will be completed by the start of Term Three.  Please stop in next term and check it out one morning. 


As we wrap up Term 2, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your continued support and engagement. This term has been filled with tremendous learning and blossoming friendships, making it a truly memorable experience for everyone involved.


Wishing you and your family a safe and wonderful holiday break. I hope you return recharged and ready for an exciting Term 3.



God bless,

Sarah Iddles
