Library News

The Clyde North Discovery Centre and the Terry Feely Library at Cranbourne aim to cater for many tastes in literature. Student wellbeing is our priority and we want the entire school community to find welcoming spaces. The books are arranged into genres ranging from fantasy, science fiction, humour, through to crime. Displays play a central role by providing an opportunity to showcase the variety of books we have in our collection. Our themed displays help make the libraries look colourful as well as getting the students more interested in a topic.
For example both campuses have inspiring displays about Refugee Week which alerts the students to the plight of displaced people around the world. Our ‘Warm Up with a Good Book’ display encourages students to take to the indoors and read more during the colder months. Ultimately St Peter’s College wants all students to find books that they really want to read and link them with the world around them.
Jennifer Bleakley