Catholic Identity & Mission News

The end of Term Two is firmly in my ‘Top 5 Highlights of the School Year’ because in our final week, we celebrate St Peter’s Day! The official Feast Day of St Peter (and St Paul) is June 29 but as that always falls within our school holidays, we celebrate the Feast Day each final Tuesday of Term Two.
The day commences with the celebration of the Eucharist on each campus. Cranbourne staff and students will gather in the Hall for their mass, and Clyde North will again have two Houses and Music Ministry upstairs in the Lyons Building, with the rest of the campus participating via a live stream. For a time, these Clyde North mass arrangements were up in the air because neither Fr Denis nor Fr Jithin were available to preside at the mass but fortunately, we were eventually able to secure a priest: Bishop Greg Bennet! We are delighted that Bishop Greg accepted our invitation and that he can be with us as we celebrate St Peter and our College on this special day, especially as we celebrate our 30th anniversary this year.
As part of our anniversary celebrations, Bishop Greg will bless a beautiful artwork created by our Clyde North Arts Club, under the guidance of Mr Ryan Pola. The piece, called ‘The Cross’, is an artistic interpretation of the cross and symbols which stand at the centre of the Clyde North campus in the Piazza. Among these symbols are depictions of the washing of the feet at the last supper. These can inspire us in terms of service, but in the context of St Peter, they also remind us of his initial reluctance to have his feet washed, ‘You will never wash my feet’, Peter said. Jesus replied, ‘Unless I wash you, you have no share with me’. Peter then enthusiastically relented, ‘Lord, not my feet only but also my hands my head!’ (Jn 13:8-9). This story demonstrates what we love and celebrate about Peter as our Patron Saint – he could be headstrong and assertive, but he was also passionate and resilient and as such, he became a charismatic leader of the early Church.
The legacies of Jesus and Peter were vital in the lives and messages of significant Catholic leaders whose names adorn the ‘star’ around the bottom of the cross. These leaders are our eight House Patrons. Their names fan out from the centre of the cross, pointing toward us all to draw us into the centrality of the cross. I think this is one of the most beautiful features of the Art Club’s artwork, but you can judge for yourself below!
St Peter’s Day promises to be a vibrant and fun day. It is one where we celebrate our Catholic Identity first and foremost and enjoy some entertainment and treats together through the rides, activities and food. All money raised on St Peter’s Day goes to Trinity Families, Bishop Greg’s own charity that provides funding to other worthy charities. As he shares St Peter’s Day with us, I am confident he’ll concur that our Catholic School and its Patron Saint are well worth celebrating! I hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Ms Fiona McKenna
Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity & Mission