From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
This week’s newsletter is the final one in what has been a dynamic term and semester of learning. As tradition dictates, the end of term two is also a time to celebrate our patron saint, St Peter. The celebrations are three-fold: a staff dinner, a thanksgiving mass and a carnival day. It is always a wonderful event that all look forward to with much anticipation.
As mentioned, the celebrations commence with the annual staff dinner. It is a time to acknowledge the work of staff, both past and present for providing a high-quality Catholic education experience across the past thirty years. Particular reference and acknowledgement is made at this event to staff who have achieved service awards for distinguished service to St Peter’s College over ten, twenty and for the first time thirty years. The College is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary in 2024 and we are blessed with having four staff members who have serviced the college with distinction during our thirty-year journey. I acknowledge the following thirty-year service awardees and sincerely thank them for their service to St Peter’s College:
Kelley Cooper – Principal PA
Cathy Heijden - Teacher
Phillip Mustey – Business Manager
Robyn Young – Teacher
My congratulations and thanks are also offered to the following service awardees for outstanding service to the St Peter’s College community:
Twenty year service awardees:
- Anthony Beutelschiess
- Michelle Drummond
- Chris O’Hara
- Vicki Young
- Angela Lariccia
Ten year service awardees
- Brett Barber
- Sonia Bramble
- Phillip Cooper
- Daniel Green
- David Hansen
- Michael Ling
- Jo Lortan
- Kate O’Hara
St Peter’s Day
Whilst this has a decidedly carnival atmosphere to it, our feast day celebrations commence with a thanksgiving mass. This provides us with the opportunity to once again be nourished by scripture and eucharist as we give thanks for those who have helped shape the school we are blessed to be a part of in 2024. It is also an opportunity to acknowledge the staff and students who define who we are today.
I might be biased but St Peter is a wonderful exemplar from which we can all learn from. Peter, a humble fisherman rose to significant prominence as a foundational leader of the “new” church. It was his calling: “upon this rock I will build my Church” (Mat 16:18). Theologians sometimes differ in their interpretation of this text but most would suggest that Peter was to play a significant role in the creation of the new Church. Yet Peter was always a work in progress, a questioner, who got it wrong more than once. I’d like to think that Peter was one who learnt through those mistakes. It is a message continuously delivered to our students where we encourage students to always be learning from their mistakes, both as learners and as young people residing within a vibrant community that we call St Peter’s College.
In our thirtieth year we are blessed to have Bishop Greg Bennet preside over our mass with the Director of the Sale Diocese, Mr Paul Velten also present.
I wish all staff students a happy St Peter’s Day – St Peter pray for us.
High Achievers
Congratulations to the following students who have shone recently in the sporting arena.
Kyah Wright - who will soon be participating in the upcoming National Youth Touch Rugby Championships.
Bella Hand – for successfully making the 12U Netball team
Chelsea Markov - for making the National Hip Hop team who will be competing in the USA later this year, an outstanding effort.
On another note:
Congratulations to Matthew Sinclair who has recently been accepted into the Holt Young Leaders program. The program aims to encourage civic participation among young people in the electorate of Holt through a combination of youth advisory work and networking. Matt was aske d a series of questions as part of the application process, here is a sample of two of his responses:
"Why do you want to take part in the program?"
I've been looking into making a career out of politics once I graduate, and participating in a community leadership program is one step I can take to get myself involved in the community long term. I've already been involved in many different leadership roles in my time at St. Peter's, and this program will also give me an opportunity to extend those experiences outside of a school environment.
"What do you think is the most important issue facing Australia today?"
One of the biggest issues in Australia today is the ongoing mental health crisis, and the difficulties many people face accessing mental health support. This issue has been exacerbated in recent years, especially since COVID-19, with the lockdowns having affected many people's mental health. Currently, a person trying to access mental health support will potentially be put on a months-long wait list in order to see someone. By the time they finally see a professional, it might be too late. Even then, the Government only funds 6 sessions per person, per year, which is likely not enough for a lot of people who might need long term support, but can't afford to get it privately.
Congratulations Matt on taking on this important work.
Term 3 Commencement Date
A reminder that students are expected to return to commence term three classes on Tuesday July 16.
As this is the final newsletter for term two, I take this opportunity to wish all staff and students a relaxing and rejuvenating term break. Stay safe.
Mr Chris Black