Faculty Report


Einstein famously said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." In the Science Faculty, we have been encouraging students to harness their imagination to create innovative solutions to challenges posed in the classroom. Like Einstein, we want our students to use unconventional approaches to problem-solving and see failure as a step in the pathway to success, an essential skill for any scientist.


In Year 7, the young men have been investigating local species that are endangered, identifying major threats to their survival by researching their place in the local ecosystem. The students attended an excursion to Melbourne Zoo, where they worked with zoo staff to explore how technology can be used to track the movement of these species. The students will use the knowledge gained through personal research and the excursion to design a campaign to raise awareness about their assigned species.


In Term 1, Year 8 students showed their creativity by creating 3D models of specialized cells. We were very impressed with the innovative use of materials; creations included crochet, baking, and many other skilled techniques. The students in Year 9 have been investigating how their bodies respond to infectious diseases, working in groups to research a disease and create a news bulletin to inform the audience about its dangers.

Year 10 classes have recently completed foundation subjects in Biology/Psychology and Physics/Chemistry to give them an insight into VCE science subjects. Semester 2 has recently begun, with keen science students also being able to undertake Extension Physics/Chemistry or Enhancement Biology to further foster their interest in VCE science.


In Semester 1, senior classes have been hard at work in all four VCE science subjects. While Year 11 students have been learning the basics of each science, Year 12 students have been able to put their knowledge to use in various analysis tasks. Physics students investigated motion at Luna Park, Chemistry students produced their own biodiesel, Biology students grew algae to demonstrate photosynthesis, and Psychology students tested the effect of various behaviours on memory. 


Science Club has been off to a great start in 2024. Students in Years 7 and 8 have been creating fire snakes, learning about car safety features through modelling, and designing their own investigations. This work is supported by student helpers in Grades 9 and 10. Interested students can find out more through the Science Club tile on MazCom. Students can also look out for sustainability-themed activities occurring during Science Week in Term 3.






Rachel Horne

Faculty Head Junior Science






Dayna Hale

Faculty Head Senior Science