Rector's Report

Greetings and welcome to final newsletter for Term 2. During these cold winter mornings, it will be a blessing not to have to venture out too early for the school drop offs. I pray that you all enjoy this break and take the opportunity, if you are lucky enough, to enjoy a warmer climate somewhere in Australia or even beyond. If not stay rugged up! Whatever activities you undertake please drive carefully on your journeys.


As we think of rugging up this is a timely reminder that the 2024 Mazenod / Vinnies Winter Appeal in is with us. We all know that the cost-of-living pressures are affecting many people who are not as fortunate as we are this winter. Some may not have access to warm meals, clothing, or essential toiletries. This is a great opportunity for us to work together and support those in our community who are facing homelessness, food insecurity & cost-of-living pressures. Any contributions you can make would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be made until 23rd August. Please check MAZCOM to see how and what you can assist with. Every gift will make a real difference.

A Holiday Prayer for Travel

I know, O God, that wherever we travel, You will be with us.There is nowhere we can go, no situation we can face, that is outside Your love and strength;and so I place my family and friends into Your care and love whatever journeys weundertake these holidays, knowing that at all times we are held safe in your hands.


St Eugene de Mazenod

Pray for us.

With A Can You Can!

As part of our overall missionary approach Mazenod is collecting cans and bottles and recycling them for our Oblate Rosies Youth Street Mission. Our students and staff are being encouraged to place their used containers in the appropriate bins for recycling rather than general rubbish.  These are then taken to the local recycling depot in Mulgrave thanks to Mr Tony Rolfe. 

If you are not recycling cans for any particular purpose, then please consider Rosies. The cans and bottles can be brought to the college by your son and placed in the appropriate containers. Alternatively, you can take them to your local recycling station and enter the Rosies code number and the money will be allocated as a donation to Rosies. Your son can retrieve a printed copy of this barcode from Student Counter for use at the recycling depot.

ACC Sports 

Congratulations to all our students and staff who participated in the ACC sports program. A special mention to the teams who made it through to Grand Finals in their various sports. The following is a breakdown of some of the results:


Senior Aussie Rules – Runners up.

Senior A Badminton – Champions.

Senior B Badminton – Runners up.

Year 7 Aussie Rules – Runners up.

Junior Badminton – Champions.

Year 8A Soccer - Champions. 

Pictured are the Junior Badminton and Soccer Champions who I had the privilege of presenting the winning banners to. 

Gelato Time

Recently I took time for an enjoyable visit to one of our Year 11 Italian classes. I don’t speak Italian, but participating in eating gelato made the visit even more worthwhile.

Mission Appeal

On behalf of the Oblates, we thank Matt Johnson and his Year 9 students who organize a sausage sizzle on some Friday afternoons after college to assist our Oblate Missions. This is not only about enjoying a hot snack on the way home after a busy college day, but an awareness that their efforts are assisting others who are less fortunate than themselves. Keep up the great work!

Year 12 Formal

Tonight, Thursday evening, our Year 12 students will celebrate the end of Term 2 with their annual Formal held at Alencia Reception Centre, Dandenong South. Our students have been looking forward to this event all year as it is a special occasion on their college calendar. Many thanks to the teachers, staff and Year 12 leaders who coordinated the evening. 

2024 The Year of Prayer

In preparation for the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has asked that this year of 2024 be “a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in one’s personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world”.



The sixth prayer tradition, and the most important one to focus on for our faith journey, is the Eucharist.  As we come to the end of the Term One, I will give a brief introduction to the Eucharist and follow this up with reflections on the various aspects next term.  


6: Eucharist (Introduction): The Year of Prayer, in preparation for the Jubilee of 2025, offers a valuable opportunity for preparing and deepening our understanding of the true meaning of the Eucharist.The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is the Lord’s Day, and his Eucharist is at the heart of the life of the Church and the parish in that it is “the source and summit of all Christian life”. The Eucharist is the memorial of Christ’s Passover and fulfillment of his sacrifice for the salvation of humankind: the highest point of prayer, lived in a communal manner, gathering the entire assembly around the table of Jesus’ body and blood. At Mazenod College we are privileged to be able to celebrate the Eucharist each morning of the week at 8.10am. We invite and encourage our families to join us and their sons whenever possible especially on their pastoral group day and during this time of preparation for the Year of Jubilee.

Technology Corner 1!





Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate

Fr Harry Dyer OMI