Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
Winter had definitely started this week, with cold wind, cold nights and cold fingers. Please ensure you child has something warm to put on when they go outside. The classrooms have great heating, but it can be a shock leaving the classroom at recess or lunch without a warm jacket or jumper. Beanies, gloves and scarves are permitted to, but please remember that naming them clearly is important in case they get lost.
Annual Report to Community Meeting: This Monday 14th June, is our Annual Report to community meeting where the Annual Report is presented to interested parents, carers and members of the wider school community. It will be held at the school on Monday 17th June at 7.00 pm. Please RSVP your attendance by emailing or calling the office on 9743 5818. Copies of the Annual Report are available on the School Website Melton West Primary School (
Lost School Uniform: This is a friendly reminder to clearly name all your child’s clothing in case it gets lost. Also, please check that your child is wearing their own clothing and not another piece of clothing belonging to another student. Sometimes children may come home with clothing that belongs to other students. Please return any item of clothing that has another child’s name on it so it can be returned to its owner.
We have many uniform pieces in lost property which are unnamed. If your child has misplaced a piece of uniform and you or they cannot locate it in lost property, please feel free to take anything that is unnamed and fits your child. Please leave the area in an organised way, so that it is welcoming for the next people to come in.
Congratulations to Our Extend Program: We have just heard that the Extend service operating from Melton West PS is one of 3 winners in the Extend's Kids Club 2024 Art Competition! Kids Club is an annual initiative hosted by Extend across the country to encourage children to come together and create a group artwork in the service that encapsulates a given theme and showcases their boundless imaginations. This year's theme was "All Things Nature", with artworks based around animals, landscapes and environments. Extend services around the country entered the competition and Melton West Primary School was one of only three winners! We are delighted to see the children of your community come together in our service and deliver award-winning artwork that expresses their creativity and passion. We invite you to visit the service to see the artwork in real life on display! As winners, our Extend service will receive an After School Care incursion during Term 3 of the children's choice, at no extra cost to families. Details of the incursion will be provided to your families in the new term. We once again congratulate the astounding work your children
have displayed and wish you a wonderful day!
Parent Teacher Interviews: An opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher about their progress will be at the June Parent Teacher Interviews scheduled for Thursday 27th June from 2.00pm – 6.30pm. Information about booking a time was recently sent home via a note. If you have not booked an appointment yet, please click on the QR Code and follow the instructions. To encourage all parents to participate we can offer interviews as face-to-face (on-site at school) or over the phone, which ever suits you and your family best. Parents can change their interview bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the website and using the event code. Remember to use the same name and email address you used when you made your original booking. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date should contact the school directly on 9743 5818.
Prep Enrolments 2025 Open: If you or somebody you know has a child turning 5 before 30th April 2025, they are eligible to attend school in 2025. All children have a guaranteed place in their local school, and some schools, like ours, can accept enrolments outside their designated area. If you feel they are ready to start school next year and would like to find out more about what we have to offer, please call the office to join one of our small group tours. These are fortnightly on a Wednesday from 9.30am or monthly in the evening at 6.00pm. To help with organising staff and preparing for an effective transition program, enrolments should be received by 26th July 2024.
Decommissioned Digital Technology Equipment: At the last School Council meeting, a decision was made to provide families with our old technology that we do not need anymore, as we upgrade devices students use in the school. School Council decided to pass these still working devices to families instead of contributing to landfill. To ensure these are given to families who need them the most we have created a list, based on the categories the Department of Education identify as needing the most support. We have started to contact families, who have begun collecting this equipment. We are now up to our priority 2 list and will make more calls in the coming week. Please note, these devices will be given free to families, however, we will not be able to offer any warranty so if they no longer work at any stage, we will not be able to fix it.
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa