Middle School

School Based Immunisation Program for Year 7 students 2024
Tuesday 13 August
The Hobart City Council’s Immunisation Team will be running an immunisation clinic for Year 7 students at The Friends' Middle School on Tuesday 13 August 2024.
The following vaccines will be provided:
- Gardasil 9 - Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - one dose
- Boostrix - Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis dTpa (whooping cough) - one dose
Consent forms have been distributed to Year 7 students. Please complete the consent forms even if your child will not be receiving the vaccines and return to the Middle School Office by Monday 1 July.
Any queries can be directed to the Immunisation Team at the Hobart City Council on 6238 2711 or email: immunisation@hobartcity.com.au
2024 Amnesty Battle of the Bands Evening
Thursday 29 August
The 2024 Friends’ School Amnesty Battle of the Bands is scheduled for Thursday 29 August. Soon a google form will be available for students from Years 7-12 to register their acts for this event, these can be solo, duo or band, acoustic or electric. Each act will be allocated a maximum of ten minutes to perform. The event will run from 6pm until 9pm and the number of acts will be limited to 14 in total.. The expression of interest form, when released, will be open for you to register until the second week of Term 3, once the form is closed there will be NO FURTHER registration of acts allowed.
For further information please contact Dave Wilson.
Winter Wonderland Middle School Classroom Decorating Competition
To bring some joy to the cold, winter months, the Student Voice Council is offering a fun activity for Key Classes to get involved in; a Winter Wonderland Classroom Decorating Competition!
Students are encouraged to start collecting bits and pieces for their designs; we encourage as many decorations as possible to be made out of recycled materials. Students are allowed to start decorating on the first day of Term 3, and judging will commence in Week 5.
Classes are also encouraged to support a charity of their choice, who help others who are less fortunate during the winter months.
Middle School Writing Competition
The Student Voice Council invites Middle School students to participate in our Term 3 Middle School Writing Competition. Inspired by Banksy’s Balloon Girl, students can write in any genre they choose, up to 2000 words. Entries close Friday 2 August with entries to be emailed to Essie Hoggart. Prizes will be awarded to the winner and runner up.
Any questions? Chat to Essie Hoggart.
Aquatic Unit for Years 7 & 8
The Aquatics unit in the Health and Physical Education course will start in Week 1 of Term 3 for all Year 7 and 8 students. Students will access Friends Health & Fitness for six lessons to complete this unit. The focus of this program will be swimming and water survival skills, with fun games. This is a compulsory part of the Australian Curriculum.
For all swimming lessons students will need to bring the following:
- Bathers
- Goggles
- Towel
- Swimming cap (compulsory)
- Rash vest / t-shirt (optional)
- Poolside footwear (eg thongs/Crocs)
Lego Donations to the Middle School Library
We have a received a donation of lego to the Middle School Library and we are looking to expand our collection for students to use.
If you would like to add to our collection please deliver lego donations to the Middle School Office.
Year 7 Connections - Recreation for Life Day
Year 7 Mott and Walker - Friday 28 June
For our Recreation for Life Connections Day, students will be participating in some introductory sports sessions.
These include:
- Wheelchair Basketball - Clarence Sports Stadium / Swisherr
- Ninja Warrior Course - Eastside Activity Centre (Rokeby)
- Rock It Climbing (Bathurst Street)
Transport - bus from the Middle School Campus
Students will require:
- Sports uniform including appropriate sports shoes
- Packed recess and lunch and a large drink
- Medication, including asthma pumps and epipens
All students will be dismissed from the Middle School Campus at the end of the day unless arrangements have been made with the Middle School Office at least the day prior to the excursion.
Festival of Voices, Years 5/6 Choir - Concert & Tickets
Tuesday 2 July
All Year 5 and 6 Choir students and all Year 7 Choir students will be performing in the Young Tasmania Sings Concert during the Festival of Voices Festival. This is a ticketed event at The Federation Concert Hall. Don't put off purchasing your tickets as the concert has sold out in previous years.
Please note that The Friends' School Year 5, 6, and 7 Choirs are performing at the TUESDAY 2 July Concert at 7pm and NOT at the concert on Wednesday 3 July.
Purchase tickets here.
Middle School Office
Phone: 6210 2235
Email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au
Important Dates
Term 2 - Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July
Term 3 - Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar