Primary School

Invitation for parents to attend Meeting House Gatherings
In Week 10 (next week), parents are invited to attend Meeting House Gatherings with their child or children. You can either meet your child's class at the classroom and accompany them to the Meeting House, or come directly to the Meeting House. For Kinder - Year 2 Gatherings, parents can sit on the floor with their child, or on the seats behind. For Year 3-6 Gatherings, parents can sit on chairs anywhere in the Meeting House.
Gathering times are as follows:
Monday 1 July
12.45pm - Prep W
1.10pm - Prep E
Wednesday 3 July
9am - Year 4
2.30pm - Year 5
Thursday 4 July
10am - Kinder Sea Dragons
10.20am - Kinder Ladybirds
11.40am - 2CM
12.10pm - 2OR
12.40pm - Year 3
1.10pm - Year 6
2.15pm - 1S
2.40pm - 1G
If you would like any further information, please contact Jess Dundas, Gathering Advisor (Early Learning to Year 8).
Our next Primary School assembly will take place on Monday 1 July in The Farrall Centre commencing at 2.15pm. We welcome families to attend. Families are also invited for a coffee or tea in The Farrall Centre Foyer after the Assembly from 2.45pm. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.
Term 2 Vacation Care bookings - Bookings close 6pm Friday 28 June
A reminder that we are once again offering a Vacation Care program during the Term 2 holiday period for Kindergarten to Year 6 students. Please find enclosed our upcoming Vacation Care Program running from Monday 8 July to Monday 22 July.
Bookings for our Vacation Care Program will be processed via Xap Manage. If you are new to our service and would like to request bookings for your child/ren, please click on the link here. Existing Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) families click here to request bookings for your child/ren. Bookings close at 6.00pm, Friday 28 June 2024. If you have any queries, please contact our Admin team via or call 6210 2276 for assistance.
Year 3 - Outdoor Education Excursion to Mount Field
Friday 28 June
As part of our Outdoor Education program, all Year 3 students will be visiting Mt Field National Park. The bus will depart at 9am and return at 3pm. The bus will drop us off at the visitor centre and we will walk through the forest exploring the vegetation and waterfalls. We will make connections with our Unit of Inquiry about how people explore, explain and create to understand the world. Students will be required to wear their PE uniform with comfortable shoes for walking and carry in their backpacks an additional warm jumper, waterproof raincoat, hat, beanie, drink bottle, lunch and snacks. Please make sure students come with sufficient warm clothing and food and water for the day. There should be no lunch orders. Emily Ardas, our Outdoor Education Teacher, will be accompanying us. As this excursion is outside the greater Hobart area, the School requires the permission of families for students to attend.
Parent Information Session: Understanding and Supporting Anxiety in Young People
Thursday 27 June - 5.30pm and Friday 28 June - 9am
We invite all parents and carers of Friends’ Early Learning and Primary School children to join Morgan Norris, our Primary School Psychologist, and other members of staff to explore and understand anxiety in young people. This parent information session will explore the types of anxiety in childhood, ranging from perfectionism and separation fears to general worries about the world. This session is designed for all parents, not just those who already recognise anxiety in their children. You will learn to identify when anxiety becomes a problem and gain basic strategies to support your child when they feel anxious or overwhelmed. Please register your interest here.
Please note: This information session aims to provide general information regarding anxiety. We will not be able to provide individual management strategies for your child, however we can advise you of the next steps to take if you are seeking support or further information.
Festival of Voices, Years 5/6 Choir - Concert & Tickets
Tuesday 2 July
All Year 5 and 6 Choir students and all Year 7 Choir students will be performing in the Young Tasmania Sings Concert during the Festival of Voices Festival. This is a ticketed event at The Federation Concert Hall. Don't put off purchasing your tickets as the concert has sold out in previous years.
Please note that The Friends' School Year 5, 6, and 7 Choirs are performing at the TUESDAY 2 July Concert at 7pm and NOT at the concert on Wednesday 3 July.
Purchase tickets here.
Prep Excursion - Linear Park, Lenah Valley
Wednesday 3 July
Prep will visit the Labyrinth at Linear Park for a transdisciplinary learning experience, centred around Earthcare and Mathematics. We will be looking for provocations in the environment and engaging in open-ended mathematical activities - ‘Muddy Maths’! We will leave school by bus at 10.15am and return to school by 1.30pm.
Children will be required to wear their school uniform and sturdy shoes/gumboots. Due to the nature of the activities we would suggest children wear warm items of uniform. They will need to bring a change of clothes, as well as a warm coat/rain jacket. We will be eating lunch and fruit break at the site, so no lunch orders on this day. Please ensure that students have ample water to drink too.
Physical Education lessons for Year 5 and 6
Monday 1 July - Wednesday 3 July
During PE lessons next week all students in Years 5 and 6 will travel by bus to Kingborough Gymnastics Centre for their final gymnastics sessions. The bus will leave school at 12pm on their PE day and return by 2pm. Year 5 will go on Monday 1 July, and Year 6 on Wednesday 3 July. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 2 Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar