Eli and Bailey enjoy some football training in the sunshine

Prep and Grade 1


Eddie and Louis
Eddie and Louis


Louis and Eddie (Prep) "We are singing Another Opening Another Show for the prep song and a song from The Greatest Showman for the finale. We have been rehearsing a lot. We are doing some dancing. We are looking forward to being on stage. We are the line leaders and we lead the preps on to the stage."


(More photos and links to book tickets on our production page!)


Oscar (1B) "We have been learning about multiplication. Multiplication is when you make equal groups. We have been drawing circles for the groups and dots inside the circles for how many are in each group. Then we add them all up. Some other words for multiplication are combined, times and repeated addition."



Bea (1B) "Rhyming words are words that sound similar. They have the same end or start sound. An example of some rhyming words are cat and hat and sat and bat. Syllables are when you break a big word into little parts. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious has 14 syllables!"



Grade 2



Frankie (2P) "I am reading the Baby Sitters Club. It is written like a graphic novel. There are lots of books in the series. The there a lots of different characters. My favourite character is Kristy because she has lots of sisters and brothers and she is the president of the Baby Sitters Club."


Flossy with the Olympic Village
Flossy with the Olympic Village

Flossy (2P) "We made a Paris Olympic Village out of hundreds, tens, ones and thousands blocks. We used all them and it was ginormous! It had exhibits, a giant tower, little people , ancient buildings and I loved making it."




Grades 3 and 4




Tate and Ken
Tate and Ken

Ken and Tate (3C) "We are researching the Australian Olympic Team and creating an athlete profile. "


Ken "I am excited about sitting back on the couch and watching everything. I remember watching it in 2021 and there was a giant crowd at the events."


Tate "I am looking forward to watching the soccer. I play soccer and basketball and I would like basketball too."




Aydin (4B) "We got given a random country and we have to research facts about that country such as the capital city, population and currency. We also need to find out how they have performed in  previous olympic games. I got Tuvalu. Its capital city is Funafuti. The population for the whole country is 11, 312. Matie Stanley reprisented Tuvalu in the 2020 olympics and came 8 out of 9 in her heats. "


Below: Grade 3 students got their teeth stuck into creating art that looks like food!


Grades 5 and 6


Above: Grade 6 Visual Arts - the striking dragon eyes created by our talented senior students.




Charlotte and Bella
Charlotte and Bella

Charlotte C (5B) "We are making our own flag for the potato olympics. We are measuring the perimeter and area of the different sections of our flag. We are also making a large version and colouring it in."


Bella L (5W) "We will be creating a special event for our potatoes to compete in. My plan is to create a skydiving event. We will use parachutes and measure the distance that the potato travels."



Bailey and Eli
Bailey and Eli

Eli (6T) "A football coach came to BBPS and did a workshop with us. We did a drill where someone rolled the ball and you picked it up, handballed it and ran around them. It was to learn how to quickly pick the ball up. We played a game where you got onto teams and everyone had a number and and got given a position. You could take maximum of 5 steps before you needed to pass the ball. We had to handball the ball into the goal to win."


Bailey (6T) "We played a version of footy which had the rules of wheelchair football. We did various drills to practise picking up the ball and hand balling properly.  We did an activity that helped with quick thinking and fast reflexes. I found it really useful because I play footy outside of school and we don't do these drills."


Below: Potato Olympics - which Potato will be victorious and take out the gold medal?