Team Leaders Message

Term 4
Secondary 9/10 have had the most amazing term! Scienceworks, Sailing, Circus, Showcase, RMIT STEM day, Watermarc, Hoyts and don’t forget all of the learning!
We kicked it all off with our circus classes that culminated in our Inaugural 9/10 Showcase. The showcase was such a joyful night of singing, dancing and clowning around! Our 9/10 band performed, along with our Glee Club and Fit For Life Dance crew. Each class performed a circus act which our fabulous MCs Alicia, Diesel and Iyad introduced.
In Term 4, our discovery learning focus turned to the skies and outer space. Students explored the moon, stars, constellations and the planets. They learned new vocabulary and facts. Secondary 9/10A learned how to spell the word ‘atmosphere’ using their sounds write skills!
Our secondary students came together to test their athletic skills at our annual Secondary School Athletics Day. Congratulations to all who participated, achieved personal bests and gave it their all. Highlights from the day were the 100m sprints, students helping each other and the staff race at the end of the day.
Sailing: Many of our students have never tried sailing before and it really pushed them out of their comfort zones. It was so great to see them persevere and challenge themselves to do something a little scary! Albert Park Lake was a great place to learn with Sailability ensuring all our students could participate and have fun.
Watermarc: On Tuesday, December 3, 9/10 descended on Watermarc for a half day of fun activities. Students played games and went on the waterslides. The slides were a firm favourite but the games brought out our competitive side!
Hoyts Fun Day: Our students enjoyed an end of year treat to the cinemas, choosing between Red One and Moana 2. Lunch in the food court was an added bonus too! Students have come so far with their confidence when purchasing food and using their money.
We must bid farewell to our Year 10 Superstars! We wish our incredible Year 10 students great success as they transition to Year 11. Your resilience and spirit have brightened our days. As the holiday season approaches, enjoy a well-deserved break.
Thanks for another incredible term, and we look forward to creating more memories in the coming year.
Kylie Weisheit Stef Brearley
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement