
Lucie Dickens, Academic Dean of Languages and Global Connections Program Director, and Kirsten Maruff, International Student Coordinator

Lucie Dickens
Kirsten Maruff
Lucie Dickens
Kirsten Maruff

As we approach the end of a vibrant school year, it is time to reflect on the journey our students have had—one filled with growth, exploration and connections. 


At Kilvington, we believe in providing a rich and varied educational experience, and this year has been no exception. 


From cultural tours to artistic performances and hands-on learning, our students have been actively engaged in experiences that broadened their understanding of the world and deepened their connections within our community. 

These activities are not only a testament to our dedicated staff and enthusiastic students, but also to the incredible support of parents and families, who help make these opportunities possible. 


In this issue, you can also read about our talented new French teacher from Canada, Mrs Mackenzie Neale, and how she contributes to the learning experience of our students at Kilvington.  


Throughout the year, we have welcomed visitors from our partner schools, celebrated the arts, delved into science and  innovation, and encouraged self-expression through writing and language. Each event and activity have played a role in shaping our students into curious, compassionate and globally-minded individuals. 


As we look ahead to another promising year, we are grateful to everyone in our community for fostering an environment that values learning beyond the classroom. Let’s continue to inspire one another and create meaningful experiences that will stay with our students for years to come.