Term 4 Week 6
Term 4 Week 6
During term four it's all been about sculptures. Our junior students have been learning about different types of sculptures, investigating materials, artists that are sculptures and of course making their very own sculptures too. 3D art is definitely one of the most popular art forms at Skye PS, it has been fabulous to see their excited faces each week when they attend art.
Recorder Karate is going swimmingly for the Year 3 and 4 students. Yellow Belt is proving to be very challenging as it isn't a song we're familiar with to hum along in our heads. The next level causing a block in our ladder of success is Green Belt where there is a jump from the note E to A quickly.
I'm so proud of the student's persistence with learning new skills in reading music and playing an instrument - they should be very proud!
Year 5 and 6 students will be performing their short pieces this fortnight. 5A kicked off the shows and have done a good job ticking all the element boxes for their performance.
Community Picnic is happening in a few short weeks. We look forward to inviting you all for a picnic and some singing on Wednesday 4th December. The evening will start at 5pm with singing commencing closer to 5:30pm to allow for traffic and parking.
In exciting news, I have submitted and expression of interest to the State School Spectacular people. If successful, some Skye PS students will join the Mass Choir to perform on Saturday 13th September at John Cain Arena in 2025. We have offered to host some of the Mass choir rehearsals so hopefully we are successful in our application! Keeping our fingers crossed!