Connect: Year 5

Key dates - Year 5

  • SRC Free Dress Day - Friday 15th of November
  • Pupil Free Curriculum Day - Friday 22nd of November
  • Community Picnic (5:00 pm-6:30 pm) - Wednesday 4th December

The Next Fortnight of Learning


Over the next two weeks we will continue learning about the structure and features of explanation texts. Students will continue to research information relating to their chosen topic and begin drafting their explanation texts. 


We have had some fascinating topics selected so far such as; how do bees make honey, how are rainbows formed, how do trees make oxygen and many more. 



In the next two weeks of learning students will be reviewing their understanding of fractional thinking. This will involve students using visual representations to model denominator and numerator values in order to compare and order them.


 In our Applied Maths unit students will be investigating data displays to determine differences in the way collected information can be presented. This will allow them to begin to formulate and play their own surveys using open and closed questions.



Our Term 4 Inquiry Unit is called Solids Liquids and Gases. In the next fortnight, students are going to participate in a variety of science experiments and learnt how to record their learning using the Scientific Method.  


Recently we investigated how salt can temporarily melt and refreeze ice cubes and string together through a "freezing point demonstration". Over the next few weeks students will be creating and making volcanoes. We cant wait to show you some photos!



This term as part of our Wellbeing learning students will be exploring the following topics:

  • Personal Strengths
  • Character Traits
  • Positive and Negative Talk
  • Personal Coping Strategies

Celebration of Learning

McClelland College Visit

Kitchen Garden 


Grandparents / Special Friends Morning