Grade 4 Connect


The Next Fortnight of Learning



Over the next few weeks, the students will be immersed in a world of poetry. We will be reading and analysing a variety of poems. The students will take what they have discovered from poems to employ in their own poem creations. We continue our dedication to unpacking tier two vocabulary and morphology. The studets are very excited with the progress they are making in Spelling Mastary.  



In the next two weeks, we’re going to have some fun with fractions and decimals! Students will explore how different fractions can mean the same thing, like 1/2 and 0.5, and practice comparing angles using cool names like acute, obtuse, and reflex. We’ll also dive into symmetry, creating our own symmetrical patterns and pictures. It’s going to be a great couple of weeks filled with hands-on learning about shapes, angles, and more.



This week the students have continued to finalise their work on ‘Gender and Identity’ and their understanding of the influence of the media and literature in the construction of gender norms. 


In Grade 4 our Respectful Relationships program is committed to addressing the critical issue of promoting gender respect. This topic is designed to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster a society free from gender discrimination and violence. We will explore factors that contribute to positive relationships and identify a range of conflict resolution strategies for positive outcomes to problems. We encourage you to engage in conversations with your children on these topics at home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.



The students have been immersed in completing a range of experiments relating to our ‘Types of Forces’ Inquiry topic. They have been learning about friction, exploring elasticity and magnetic force. For the next few weeks, we are going to be looking at our new Inquiry topic, that being ‘Changes to Earth’s Surfaces’, where students will be learning about the impact erosion has on our environment. 

Reflection of Learning



Over the past couple of weeks our students have learned and practiced two powerful strategies (Thinking Addition and the One Cent Rule) to help them solve money-related problems and calculate change from $10 and $20. The students worked confidently through these strategies, making great progress in their understanding of money concepts.


Students also took on the role of "researchers" as they investigated data from animal observations of an endangered Australian marsupial, recorded by a video camera in the Western Desert. They learned how data is used to monitor and protect endangered species, while also exploring the language of the Martu, the First Nations traditional owners of the land. By the end of the lessons, students were able to decide what data to record, how to record it, and visualise their findings using appropriate formats.


Kitchen Garden

In the Kitchen Garden, our Grade 4 students had a fantastic time harvesting fresh ingredients and putting them to good use in the kitchen! They worked together to make delicious soda bread with creamy herb butter, zesty broad bean dip, and homemade sausage rolls using herbs they handpicked from the garden. Back outside, they planted sunflowers, tidied up the chicken coop, and harvested broad beans, oregano, and thyme. It’s been a wonderful blend of gardening, cooking, and teamwork, all while learning where our food comes from!