Connect: Year 3

November 2024

Welcome to this fortnights Connect! We cannot fathom that as of the end of this week there is only 5 weeks until the summer holidays! The students have been working very hard and we are just so proud of their progress and outlook on learning. 

What's coming up this fortnight?

Friday 22nd NovemberCurriculum Day - student free day
Wednesday 4th DecemberWhole School Community Picnic
Friday 6th DecemberParent Helper Morning Tea

Just a friendly reminder that if you received an overdue notice for library - please send books back so Tarnia, our wonderful librarian can be prepared for end of year stocktake. 

What's happening in the classrooms?


During Week 5 & 6 we have been practising our story telling by writing narratives. The students looked at the flow of stories and took part in brainstorming, planning, drafting and editing stories based off a prompt. We have also started to look at answering comprehension questions based off texts that they read. We looked at multiple choice questions and how sometimes they can trick us! Over the next fortnight we are going to be tying in some concepts of inquiry such as Dreaming stories and looking at facts from the First Fleet.


Time time time! This past fortnight we have focused on telling the time to 5 minute intervals and now down to 1 minute intervals. This concept can be tricky! The students have worked on this concept a few times throughout the year and we have seen some small progress! We have attached some websites below which will allow your child to practise telling the time both using an analogue clock and digitally. 


This past week the students have blown us away by formulating questions and ideas that they would like to do further research about either First People's or European Settlement. Our Grade Threes are so empathetic and thoughtful to think about other people's perspectives. We will be looking at some Dreaming stories in the next couple of weeks and discussing how First Nations people pass their stories and teachings down to the next generation. Here is an example of Tiddalick the frog. 


This fortnight we will revisit Zones of Regulation. Specifically, we will look at how we can ebb and flow between the zones throughout the day and what strategies we can use to help us regulate! See the below chart as an example.

 Special time spent with Preps

Our students helped the Prep team when we had our new 2025 Prep students visiting. Each grade 3 student worked with a Prep to make cute Penguins! Here is a preview below!



Need our emails again? Here they are! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

3A - Amy Jung (M-W)- 

& Taryn Clough (Th & F) - 

3B - Helen Hamill -


Have a lovely fortnight.

Kind Regards,

Amy, Taryn & Helen