Connect: Year 1

Hello grade 1 families and friends.


We have been having a lot of fun in the classroom and seeing some fantastic work habits continuing with students following the school wide expected behaviours.


Please refer to the dates below for special events including a morning tea to thank all of our wonderful volunteers who have shared some of their time supporting our school though reading, helping on excursions and other things around the school.



Friday 22nd November- Pupil free day

Wednesday 4th December- Community picnic

Friday 6th December- Skye volunteer's morning tea

Friday 13th December- Final assembly

Friday 20th December- Last day of school for 2024, 2.30 finish.



Our phonics focus this week has been 'ai' and 'ay' as in 'snail trail' and 'play all day'. We have been looking at different Fairytales and discussing what we may already know and how they make us feel. Students have been identifying features and qualities that create a character. We have been having discussions about how different character traits can affect the outcome of a narrative.



In writing, we are building stamina and writing longer pieces of work. Students have been enjoying sharing their stories with the class. Students are learning to edit their own work looking at capitals, full stops, grammar and spelling.



We are learning to identify groups and how many are in each group. We are learning how to share equally into groups. Students are looking at worded problems and using strategies to help solve them.



Students have been learning how to play fairly and are understanding that anyone can play any game and with any toy whether they are a boy or girl. These lessons are helping children to navigate through friendships and how to better solve play issues.


Enjoy the sunshine and have a lovely weekend

Shanae, Michelle, Julieanne and Fiona.