Term Dates

The below dates are provided as a guide only and may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Tuesday 10th2025 Step Up Day 9.15-11am
Tuesday 10thYear 5 Students fitted for Year 6 Bomber Jackets
Wednesday 11thYear 6 Graduation Celebrations 5.30-8.30pm
Thursday 12thEnd of Year Whole School Mass 9.15-10.15am
Thursday 12thEnd of Year Thank you morning tea following Mass
Friday 13thLiving Scripture Christmas Event Sessions  9.15am & 1.45pm
Tuesday 17th Final Assembly 9.15-10.15am- all welcome
TUESDAY 17thLAST DAY OF SCHOOL 3.15 Finish time
Monday 27th Australia Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 28th School Staff Begin
Tuesday 28th

Student Medication & Action Plans Drop off between the hours 

12.30pm-3.45pm at the Front Office

Wednesday 29th Faith Formation Professional Learning for Staff
Thursday 30th Yr 1-6 students begin School
Thursday 30thYear 6 Bomber Jacket fitting
Thursday 30th

Student Medication & Action Plans Drop off between the hours 

8.30-3.45pm at the Front Office

Friday 31st First Day of School for PREP students 8.30am-1pm
Friday 31st

Student Medication & Action Plans Drop off between the hours 

8.30-3.45pm at the Front Office

Wednesday 5th Prep Rest Day & Assessment Meeting
Thursday 6thTell me about your child Meetings 2.20pm-7.40pm (3.15pm School Finish time for Students)
Friday 7thWhole School Mass
Monday 10th Coffee & Chat with Prep Families
Wednesday 12thPrep Rest Day & Assessment Meeting
Wednesday 19thPrep Rest Day & Assessment Meeting
Wednesday 26thPrep Rest Day & Assessment Meeting
Thursday 27thAdvanced Life School Photos

Dates are available on our LIVE AUDIRI calendar!