Library News

Overdue Book Notices

With only two weeks before the end of the school year, a run of overdue book notices was printed off last week and distributed to classrooms and individual students. We will repeat this exercise again at the end of next week. Should your child bring a notice home, we ask that you help your child look at home and try to locate books that may be listed. If any items are unable to be found, kindly annotate/sign the notice and return it to school so that we can have a look elsewhere! 


This week was the last official borrowing week from the school library for the year. Christmas books have certainly been very popular choices these past two weeks! Students will continue to have their weekly library sessions but generally will not be bringing books home as we commence the end of year library stocktake. 

We often receive questions regarding borrowing of books for the school holidays and advise that, providing all books in a student’s name have been accounted for, we welcome holiday borrowing! So for all those wonderful book lovers, we hope they find some really great books on our shelves to feast their eyes on during this period.


Karin Sansom
